Text FW 619

of pleisure after his good few mugs of humbedumb and shag.1
While for whoever likes that urogynal pan of cakes one apiece it is2
thanks, beloved, to Adam, our former first Finnlatter and our3
grocerest churcher, as per Grippiths' varuations, for his beautiful4
crossmess parzel.5
     Well, we simply like their demb cheeks, the Rathgarries, 6
wagging here about around the rhythms in me amphybed and he7
being as bothered that he pausably could by the fallth of hampty8
damp. Certified reformed peoples, we may add to this stage, are9
proptably saying to quite agreeable deef. Here gives your10
answer, pigs and scuts! Hence we've lived in two worlds. He is11
another he what stays under the himp of holth. The herewaker12
of our hamefame is his real namesame who will get himself up13
and erect, confident and heroic when but, young as of old, for my14
daily comfreshenall, a wee one woos.15
     Alma Luvia, Pollabella. 16
P.S. Soldier Rollo's sweetheart. And she's about fetted up now17
with nonsery reams. And rigs out in regal rooms with the ritzies.18
Rags! Worns out. But she's still her deckhuman amber too.19
     Soft morning, city! Lsp! I am leafy speafing. Lpf! Folty and 20
folty all the nights have falled on to long my hair. Not a sound,21
falling. Lispn! No wind no word. Only a leaf, just a leaf and22
then leaves. The woods are fond always. As were we their babes23
in. And robins in crews so. It is for me goolden wending.24
Unless? Away! Rise up, man of the hooths, you have slept so25
long! Or is it only so mesleems? On your pondered palm.26
Reclined from cape to pede. With pipe on bowl. Terce for a27
fiddler, sixt for makmerriers, none for a Cole. Rise up now and28
aruse! Norvena's over. I am leafy, your goolden, so you called29
me, may me life, yea your goolden, silve me solve, exsogerraider!30
You did so drool. I was so sharm. But there's a great poet in you31
too. Stout Stokes would take you offly. So has he as bored me32
to slump. But am good and rested. Taks to you, toddy, tan ye!33
Yawhawaw. Helpunto min, helpas vin. Here is your shirt, the day34
one, come back. The stock, your collar. Also your double brogues.35
A comforter as well. And here your iverol and everthelest your36

Text FW 618

innocenth eyes. O, felicious coolpose! If all the MacCrawls would1
only handle virgils like Armsworks, Limited! That's handsel for2
gertles! Never mind Micklemans! Chat us instead! The cad3
with the pope's wife, Lily Kinsella, who became the wife of4
Mr Sneakers for her good name in the hands of the kissing5
solicitor, will now engage in attentions. Just a prinche for to-6
night! Pale bellies our mild cure, back and streaky ninepace.7
The thicks off Bully's Acre was got up by Sully. The Boot lane8
brigade. And she had a certain medicine brought her in a9
licenced victualler's bottle. Shame! Thrice shame! We are10
advised the waxy is at the present in the Sweeps hospital and11
that he may never come out! Only look through your leather-12
box one day with P.C.Q. about 4.32 or at 8 and 22.5 with the13
quart of scissions masters and clerk and the bevyhum of Marie14
Reparatrices for a good allround sympowdhericks purge, full view,15
to be surprised to see under the grand piano Lily on the sofa (and16
a lady!) pulling a low and then he'd begin to jump a little bit to17
find out what goes on when love walks in besides the solicitous18
bussness by kissing and looking into a mirror.19
     That we were treated not very grand when the police and 20
everybody is all bowing to us when we go out in all directions21
on Wanterlond Road with my cubarola glide? And, personably22
speaking, they can make their beaux to my alce, as Hillary Allen23
sang to the opennine knighters. Item, we never were chained to a24
chair, and, bitem, no widower whother soever followed us about25
with a fork on Yankskilling Day. Meet a great civilian (proud26
lives to him!) who is gentle as a mushroom and a very affectable27
when he always sits forenenst us for his wet while to all whom28
it may concern Sully is a thug from all he drunk though he is a29
rattling fine bootmaker in his profession. Would we were here-30
arther to lodge our complaint on sergeant Laraseny in consequence31
of which in such steps taken his health would be constably broken32
into potter's pance which would be the change of his life by a33
Nollwelshian which has been oxbelled out of crispianity.34
     Well, our talks are coming to be resumed by more polite con- 35
versation with a huntered persent human over the natural bestness36

Text FW 617

there is a good in even, Levia, my cheek is a compleet bleenk.1
Plumb. Meaning: one two four. Finckers. Up the hind hose of2
hizzars. Whereapon our best again to a hundred and eleven ploose3
one thousand and one other blessings will now concloose thoose4
epoostles to your great kindest, well, for all at trouble to took.5
We are all at home in old Fintona, thank Danis, for ourselfsake,6
that direst of housebonds, whool wheel be true unto lovesend7
so long as we has a pockle full of brass. Impossible to remember8
persons in improbable to forget position places. Who would9
pellow his head off to conjure up a, well, particularly mean stinker10
like funn make called Foon MacCrawl brothers, mystery man of11
the pork martyrs? Force in giddersh! Tomothy and Lorcan, the12
bucket Toolers, both are Timsons now they've changed their13
characticuls during their blackout. Conan Boyles will pudge the14
daylives out through him, if they are correctly informed. Music, me15
ouldstrow, please! We'll have a brand rehearsal. Fing! One must16
simply laugh. Fing him aging! Good licks! Well, this ought to weke17
him to make up. He'll want all his fury gutmurdherers to redress18
him. Gilly in the gap. The big bad old sprowly all uttering foon!19
Has now stuffed last podding. His fooneral will sneak pleace by20
creeps o'clock toosday. Kingen will commen. Allso brewbeer.21
Pens picture at Manchem House Horsegardens shown in Morn-22
ing post as from Boston transcripped. Femelles will be preadam-23
inant as from twentyeight to twelve. To hear that lovelade24
parson, of case, of a bawl gentlemale, pour forther moracles. Don't25
forget! The grand fooneral will now shortly occur. Remember.26
The remains must be removed before eaght hours shorp. With27
earnestly conceived hopes. So help us to witness to this day to28
hand in sleep. From of Mayasdaysed most duteoused.29
     Well, here's lettering you erronymously anent other clerical 30
fands allieged herewith. I wisht I wast be that dumb tyke and he'd31
wish it was me yonther heel. How about it? The sweetest song32
in the world! Our shape as a juvenile being much admired from33
the first with native copper locks. Referring to the Married34
Woman's Improperty Act a correspondent paints out that the35
Swees Aubumn vogue is hanging down straith fitting to her36

Text FW 616

against Molloyd O'Reilly, that hugglebeddy fann, now about to1
get up, the hartiest that Coolock ever! A nought in nought2
Eirinishmhan, called Ervigsen by his first mate. May all similar3
douters of our oldhame story have that fancied widming! For4
a pipe of twist or a slug of Hibernia metal we could let out and,5
by jings, someone would make a carpus of somebody with the6
greatest of pleasure by private shootings. And in contravention to7
the constancy of chemical combinations not enough of all the8
slatters of him left for Peeter the Picker to make their threi sevelty9
filfths of a man out of. Good wheat! How delitious for the three10
Sulvans of Dulkey and what a sellpriceget the two Peris of11
Monacheena! Sugars of lead for the chloras ashpots! Peace! He12
possessing from a child of highest valency for our privileged13
beholdings ever complete hairy of chest, hamps and eyebags in14
pursuance to salesladies' affectionate company. His real devotes.15
Wriggling reptiles, take notice! Whereas we exgust all such16
sprinkling snigs. They are pestituting the whole time never with17
standing we simply agree upon the committee of amusance! Or18
could above bring under same notice for it to be able to be seen.19
     About that coerogenal hun and his knowing the size of an egg- 20
cup. First he was a skulksman at one time and then Cloon's fired21
him through guff. Be sage about sausages! Stuttutistics shows22
with he's heacups of teatables the oldfirm's fatspitters are most23
eatenly appreciated by metropolonians. While we should like to24
drag attentions to our Wolkmans Cumsensation Act. The magnets25
of our midst being foisted upon by a plethorace of parachutes.26
Did speece permit the bad example of setting before the military27
to the best of our belief in the earliest wish of the one in mind was28
the mitigation of the king's evils. And how he staired up the29
step after it's the power of the gait. His giantstand of manun-30
known. No brad wishy washy wathy wanted neither! Once you31
are balladproof you are unperceable to haily, icy and missile-32
throes. Order now before we reach Ruggers' Rush! As we now33
must close hoping to Saint Laurans all in the best. Moral. Mrs34
Stores Humphreys: So you are expecting trouble, Pondups, from35
the domestic service questioned? Mr Stores Humphreys: Just as36

Text FW 615

of the past; type by tope, letter from litter, word at ward, with1
sendence of sundance, since the days of Plooney and Colum-2
cellas when Giacinta, Pervenche and Margaret swayed over the3
all-too-ghoulish and illyrical and innumantic in our mutter nation,4
all, anastomosically assimilated and preteridentified paraidioti-5
cally, in fact, the sameold gamebold adomic structure of our6
Finnius the old One, as highly charged with electrons as hophaz-7
ards can effective it, may be there for you, Cockalooralooraloo-8
menos, when cup, platter and pot come piping hot, as sure as9
herself pits hen to paper and there's scribings scrawled on eggs.10
     Of cause, so! And in effect, as? 11
     Dear. And we go on to Dirtdump. Reverend. May we add 12
majesty? Well, we have frankly enjoyed more than anything13
these secret workings of natures (thanks ever for it, we humbly14
pray) and, well, was really so denighted of this lights time.15
Mucksrats which bring up about uhrweckers they will come to16
know good. Yon clouds will soon disappear looking forwards17
at a fine day. The honourable Master Sarmon they should be18
first born like he was with a twohangled warpon and it was19
between Williamstown and the Mairrion Ailesbury on the top20
of the longcar, as merrily we rolled along, we think of him looking21
at us yet as if to pass away in a cloud. When he woke up in a22
sweat besidus it was to pardon him, goldylocks, me having an23
airth, but he daydreamsed we had a lovelyt face for a pulltomine.24
Back we were by the jerk of a beamstark, backed in paladays last,25
on the brinks of the wobblish, the man what never put a dramn26
in the swags but milk from a national cowse. That was the prick27
of the spindle to me that gave me the keys to dreamland. Sneakers28
in the grass, keep off! If we were to tick off all that cafflers head,29
whisperers for his accomodation, the me craws, namely, and their30
bacon what harmed butter! It's margarseen oil. Thinthin thin-31
thin. Stringstly is it forbidden by the honorary tenth commend-32
mant to shall not bare full sweetness against a nighboor's wiles.33
What those slimes up the cavern door around you, keenin, (the34
lies is coming out on them frecklefully) had the shames to suggest35
can we ever? Never! So may the low forget him their trespasses36

Text FW 614

grazeheifer, ethel or bonding. Mopsus or Gracchus, all your1
horodities will incessantlament be coming back from the Annone2
Wishwashwhose, Ormepierre Lodge, Doone of the Drumes,3
blanches bountifully and nightsend made up, every article lather-4
ing leaving several rinsings so as each rinse results with a dap-5
perent rolle, cuffs for meek and chokers for sheek and a kink in6
the pacts for namby. Forbeer, forbear! For nought that is has7
bane. In mournenslaund. Themes have thimes and habit reburns.8
To flame in you. Ardor vigor forders order. Since ancient was9
our living is in possible to be. Delivered as. Caffirs and culls and10
onceagain overalls, the fittest surviva lives that blued, iorn and11
storridge can make them. Whichus all claims. Clean. Whenast-12
cleeps. Close. And the mannormillor clipperclappers. Noxt. Doze.13
     Fennsense, finnsonse, aworn! Tuck upp those wide shorts. 14
The pink of the busket for sheer give. Peeps. Stand up to hard15
ware and step into style. If you soil may, puett, guett me prives.16
For newmanmaun set a marge to the merge of unnotions. Inni-17
tion wons agame.18
     What has gone? How it ends? 19
     Begin to forget it. It will remember itself from every sides, with 20
all gestures, in each our word. Today's truth, tomorrow's trend.21
     Forget, remember! 22
     Have we cherished expectations? Are we for liberty of peru- 23
siveness? Whyafter what forewhere? A plainplanned liffeyism24
assemblements Eblania's conglomerate horde. By dim delty Deva.25
     Forget! 26
     Our wholemole millwheeling vicociclometer, a tetradoma- 27
tional gazebocroticon (the "Mamma Lujah" known to every28
schoolboy scandaller, be he Matty, Marky, Lukey or John-a-29
Donk), autokinatonetically preprovided with a clappercoupling30
smeltingworks exprogressive process, (for the farmer, his son and31
their homely codes, known as eggburst, eggblend, eggburial and32
hatch-as-hatch can) receives through a portal vein the dialytically33
separated elements of precedent decomposition for the verypet-34
purpose of subsequent recombination so that the heroticisms,35
catastrophes and eccentricities transmitted by the ancient legacy36

Text FW 613

     Good safe firelamp! hailed the heliots. Goldselforelump! 1
Halled they. Awed. Where thereon the skyfold high, trampa-2
trampatramp. Adie. Per ye comdoom doominoom noonstroom.3
Yeasome priestomes. Fullyhum toowhoom.4
     Taawhaar? 5
     Sants and sogs, cabs and cobs, kings and karls, tentes and 6
     'Tis gone infarover. So fore now, dayleash. Pour deday. To 8
trancefixureashone. Feist of Taborneccles, scenopegia, come!9
Shamwork, be in our scheining! And let every crisscouple be so10
crosscomplimentary, little eggons, youlk and meelk, in a farbiger11
pancosmos. With a hottyhammyum all round. Gudstruce!12
     Yet is no body present here which was not there before. Only 13
is order othered. Nought is nulled. Fuitfiat!14
     Lo, the laud of laurens now orielising benedictively when 15
saint and sage have said their say.16
     A spathe of calyptrous glume involucrumines the perinanthean 17
Amenta: fungoalgaceous muscafilicial graminopalmular plan-18
teon; of increasing, livivorous, feelful thinkamalinks; luxuriotia-19
ting everywhencewithersoever among skullhullows and charnel-20
cysts of a weedwastewoldwevild when Ralph the Retriever21
ranges to jawrode his knuts knuckles and her theas thighs; one-22
gugulp down of the nauseous forere brarkfarsts oboboomaround23
and you're as paint and spickspan as a rainbow; wreathe the bowl24
to rid the bowel; no runcure, no rank heat, sir; amess in amullium;25
chlorid cup.26
     Health, chalce, endnessnessessity! Arrive, likkypuggers, in 27
a poke! The folgor of the frightfools is olympically optimo-28
minous; there is bound to be a lovleg day for mirrages in the29
open; Murnane and Aveling are undertoken to berry that ort-30
chert: provided that. You got to make good that breachsuit,31
seamer. You going to haulm port houlm, toilermaster. You yet32
must get up to kill (nonparticular). You still stand by and do as33
hit (private). While for yous, Jasminia Aruna and all your likers,34
affinitatively must it be by you elected if Monogynes his is or35
hers Diander, the tubous, limbersome and nectarial. Owned or36

Text FW 612

other thing, voluntary mutismuser, he not compyhandy the his1
golden twobreasttorc look justsamelike curlicabbis, moreafter, to2
pace negativisticists, verdant readyrainroof belongahim Exuber3
High Ober King Leary very dead, what he wish to say, spit of4
superexuberabundancy plenty laurel leaves, after that com-5
mander bulopent eyes of Most Highest Ardreetsar King same6
thing like thyme choppy upon parsley, alongsidethat, if please-7
sir, nos displace tauttung, sowlofabishospastored, enamel Indian8
gem in maledictive fingerfondler of High High Siresultan Em-9
peror all same like one fellow olive lentil, onthelongsidethat, by10
undesendas, kirikirikiring, violaceous warwon contusiones of11
facebuts of Highup Big Cockywocky Sublissimime Autocrat, for12
that with pure hueglut intensely saturated one, tinged uniformly,13
allaroundside upinandoutdown, very like you seecut chowchow14
of plentymuch sennacassia Hump cumps Ebblybally! Sukkot?15
     Punc. Bigseer, refrects the petty padre, whackling it out, a 16
tumble to take, tripeness to call thing and to call if say is good17
while, you pore shiroskuro blackinwhitepaddynger, by thiswis18
aposterioprismically apatstrophied and paralogically periparo-19
lysed, celestial from principalest of Iro's Irismans ruinboon pot20
before, (for beingtime monkblinkers timeblinged completamen-21
tarily murkblankered in their neutrolysis between the possible22
viriditude of the sager and the probable eruberuption of the23
saint), as My tappropinquish to Me wipenmeselps gnosegates a24
handcaughtscheaf of synthetic shammyrag to hims hers, seeming-25
such four three two agreement cause heart to be might, saving to26
Balenoarch (he kneeleths), to Great Balenoarch (he kneeleths27
down) to Greatest Great Balenoarch (he kneeleths down quite-28
somely), the sound sense sympol in a weedwayedwold of the29
firethere the sun in his halo cast. Onmen.30
     That was thing, bygotter, the thing, bogcotton, the very thing, 31
begad! Even to uptoputty Bilkilly-Belkelly-Balkally. Who was32
for shouting down the shatton on the lamp of Jeeshees. Sweating33
on to stonker and throw his seven. As he shuck his thumping34
fore features apt the hoyhop of His Ards.35
     Thud. 36

Text FW 611

leads from Harem. Three ties. Jockey the Ropper jerks Jake the1
Rape. Paddrock and bookley chat.2
     And here are the details. 3
     Tunc. Bymeby, bullocky vampas tappany bobs topside joss 4
pidgin fella Balkelly, archdruid of islish chinchinjoss in the his5
heptachromatic sevenhued septicoloured roranyellgreenlindigan6
mantle finish he show along the his mister guest Patholic with7
alb belongahim the whose throat hum with of sametime all the his8
cassock groaner fellas of greysfriaryfamily he fast all time what9
time all him monkafellas with Same Patholic, quoniam, speeching,10
yeh not speeching noh man liberty is, he drink up words, scilicet,11
tomorrow till recover will not, all too many much illusiones12
through photoprismic velamina of hueful panepiphanal world13
spectacurum of Lord Joss, the of which zoantholitic furniture,14
from mineral through vegetal to animal, not appear to full up to-15
gether fallen man than under but one photoreflection of the16
several iridals gradationes of solar light, that one which that part17
of it (furnit of heupanepi world) had shown itself (part of fur of18
huepanwor) unable to absorbere, whereas for numpa one pura-19
duxed seer in seventh degree of wisdom of Entis-Onton he savvy20
inside true inwardness of reality, the Ding hvad in idself id est,21
all objects (of panepiwor) allside showed themselves in trues22
coloribus resplendent with sextuple gloria of light actually re-23
tained, untisintus, inside them (obs of epiwo). Rumnant Patholic,24
stareotypopticus, no catch all that preachybook, utpiam, to-25
morrow recover thing even is not, bymeby vampsybobsy tap-26
panasbullocks topside joss pidginfella Bilkilly-Belkelly say pat-27
fella, ontesantes, twotime hemhaltshealing, with other words28
verbigratiagrading from murmurulentous till stridulocelerious in29
a hunghoranghoangoly tsinglontseng while his comprehen-30
durient, with diminishing claractinism, augumentationed himself31
in caloripeia to vision so throughsighty, you anxioust melan-32
cholic, High Thats Hight Uberking Leary his fiery grassbelong- 33
head all show colour of sorrelwood herbgreen, again, nigger- 34
blonker, of the his essixcoloured holmgrewnworsteds costume35
the his fellow saffron pettikilt look same hue of boiled spinasses,36

Text FW 610

     Juva: Bulkily: and he is fundementially theosophagusted over 1
the whorse proceedings.2
     Muta: Petrificationibus! O horild haraflare! Who his dickhuns 3
now rearrexes from undernearth the memorialorum?4
     Juva: Beleave filmly, beleave! Fing Fing! King King! 5
     Muta: Ulloverum? Fulgitudo ejus Rhedonum teneat! 6
     Juva: Rolantlossly! Till the tipp of his ziff. And the ubideintia 7
of the savium is our ervics fenicitas.8
     Muta: Why soly smiles the supremest with such for a leary on 9
his rugular lips?10
     Juva: Bitchorbotchum! Eebrydime! He has help his crewn on 11
the burkeley buy but he has holf his crown on the Eurasian12
     Muta: Skulkasloot! The twyly velleid is thus then paridi- 14
     Juva: Ut vivat volumen sic pereat pouradosus! 16
     Muta: Haven money on stablecert? 17
     Juva: Tempt to wom Outsider! 18
     Muta: Suc? He quoffs. Wutt? 19
     Juva: Sec! Wartar wartar! Wett. 20
     Muta: Ad Piabelle et Purabelle? 21
     Juva: At Winne, Woermann og Sengs. 22
     Muta: So that when we shall have acquired unification we 23
shall pass on to diversity and when we shall have passed on to24
diversity we shall have acquired the instinct of combat and when25
we shall have acquired the instinct of combat we shall pass back to26
the spirit of appeasement?27
     Juva: By the light of the bright reason which daysends to us 28
from the high.29
     Muta: May I borrow that hordwanderbaffle from you, old 30
     Juva: Here it is and I hope it's your wormingpen, Erinmonker! 32
     Rhythm and Colour at Park Mooting. Peredos Last in the 34
Grand Natural. Velivision victor. Dubs newstage oldtime turf-35
tussle, recalling Winny Willy Widger. Two draws. Heliotrope36