the duskrose has choosed out Goatstown's hedges, twolips have | | 1 |
pressed togatherthem by sweet Rush, townland of twinedlights, | | 2 |
the whitethorn and the redthorn have fairygeyed the mayvalleys | | 3 |
of Knockmaroon, and, though for rings round them, during a | | 4 |
chiliad of perihelygangs, the Formoreans have brittled the too- | | 5 |
ath of the Danes and the Oxman has been pestered by the Fire- | | 6 |
bugs and the Joynts have thrown up jerrybuilding to the Kevan- | | 7 |
ses and Little on the Green is childsfather to the City (Year! | | 8 |
Year! And laughtears!), these paxsealing buttonholes have quad- | | 9 |
rilled across the centuries and whiff now whafft to us, fresh and | | 10 |
made-of-all-smiles as, on the eve of Killallwho. | | 11 |
The babbelers with their thangas vain have been (confusium | | 12 |
hold them!) they were and went; thigging thugs were and hou- | | 13 |
hnhymn songtoms were and comely norgels were and pollyfool | | 14 |
fiansees. Menn have thawed, clerks have surssurhummed, the | | 15 |
blond has sought of the brune: Elsekiss thou may, mean Kerry | | 16 |
piggy?: and the duncledames have countered with the hellish fel- | | 17 |
lows: Who ails tongue coddeau, aspace of dumbillsilly? And they | | 18 |
fell upong one another: and themselves they have fallen. And | | 19 |
still nowanights and by nights of yore do all bold floras of the | | 20 |
field to their shyfaun lovers say only: Cull me ere I wilt to thee!: | | 21 |
and, but a little later: Pluck me whilst I blush! Well may they | | 22 |
wilt, marry, and profusedly blush, be troth! For that saying is as | | 23 |
old as the howitts. Lave a whale a while in a whillbarrow (isn't | | 24 |
it the truath I'm tallin ye?) to have fins and flippers that shimmy | | 25 |
and shake. Tim Timmycan timped hir, tampting Tam. Fleppety! | | 26 |
Flippety! Fleapow! | | 27 |
Hop! | | 28 |
In the name of Anem this carl on the kopje in pelted thongs a | | 29 |
parth a lone who the joebiggar be he? Forshapen his pigmaid | | 30 |
hoagshead, shroonk his plodsfoot. He hath locktoes, this short- | | 31 |
shins, and, Obeold that's pectoral, his mammamuscles most | | 32 |
mousterious. It is slaking nuncheon out of some thing's brain | | 33 |
pan. Me seemeth a dragon man. He is almonthst on the kiep | | 34 |
fief by here, is Comestipple Sacksoun, be it junipery or febrew- | | 35 |
ery, marracks or alebrill or the ramping riots of pouriose and | | 36 |