Juva: Bulkily: and he is fundementially theosophagusted over | | 1 |
the whorse proceedings. | | 2 |
Muta: Petrificationibus! O horild haraflare! Who his dickhuns | | 3 |
now rearrexes from undernearth the memorialorum? | | 4 |
Juva: Beleave filmly, beleave! Fing Fing! King King! | | 5 |
Muta: Ulloverum? Fulgitudo ejus Rhedonum teneat! | | 6 |
Juva: Rolantlossly! Till the tipp of his ziff. And the ubideintia | | 7 |
of the savium is our ervics fenicitas. | | 8 |
Muta: Why soly smiles the supremest with such for a leary on | | 9 |
his rugular lips? | | 10 |
Juva: Bitchorbotchum! Eebrydime! He has help his crewn on | | 11 |
the burkeley buy but he has holf his crown on the Eurasian | | 12 |
Generalissimo. | | 13 |
Muta: Skulkasloot! The twyly velleid is thus then paridi- | | 14 |
cynical? | | 15 |
Juva: Ut vivat volumen sic pereat pouradosus! | | 16 |
Muta: Haven money on stablecert? | | 17 |
Juva: Tempt to wom Outsider! | | 18 |
Muta: Suc? He quoffs. Wutt? | | 19 |
Juva: Sec! Wartar wartar! Wett. | | 20 |
Muta: Ad Piabelle et Purabelle? | | 21 |
Juva: At Winne, Woermann og Sengs. | | 22 |
Muta: So that when we shall have acquired unification we | | 23 |
shall pass on to diversity and when we shall have passed on to | | 24 |
diversity we shall have acquired the instinct of combat and when | | 25 |
we shall have acquired the instinct of combat we shall pass back to | | 26 |
the spirit of appeasement? | | 27 |
Juva: By the light of the bright reason which daysends to us | | 28 |
from the high. | | 29 |
Muta: May I borrow that hordwanderbaffle from you, old | | 30 |
rubberskin? | | 31 |
Juva: Here it is and I hope it's your wormingpen, Erinmonker! | | 32 |
Shoot. | | 33 |
Rhythm and Colour at Park Mooting. Peredos Last in the | | 34 |
Grand Natural. Velivision victor. Dubs newstage oldtime turf- | | 35 |
tussle, recalling Winny Willy Widger. Two draws. Heliotrope | | 36 |