water, perpetually chaste, so that, well understanding, she should | | 1 |
fill to midheight his tubbathaltar, which hanbathtub, most blessed | | 2 |
Kevin, ninthly enthroned, in the concentric centre of the trans- | | 3 |
lated water, whereamid, when violet vesper vailed, Saint Kevin, | | 4 |
Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to | | 5 |
his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of wis- | | 6 |
dom, that handbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis | | 7 |
of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory | | 8 |
extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse, | | 9 |
he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacra- | | 10 |
ment of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of | | 11 |
water. Yee. | | 12 |
Bisships, bevel to rock's rite! Sarver buoy, extinguish! Nuota- | | 13 |
bene. The rare view from the three Benns under the bald heaven | | 14 |
is on the other end, askan your blixom on dimmen and blastun, | | 15 |
something to right hume about. They were erected in a purvious | | 16 |
century, as a hen fine coops and, if you know your Bristol and | | 17 |
have trudged the trolly ways and elventurns of that old cobbold | | 18 |
city, you will sortofficially scribble a mental Peny-Knox-Gore. | | 19 |
Whether they were franklings by name also has not been fully | | 20 |
probed. Their design is a whosold word and the charming de- | | 21 |
tails of light in dark are freshed from the feminiairity which | | 22 |
breathes content. O ferax cupla! Ah, fairypair! The first exploder | | 23 |
to make his ablations in these parks was indeed that lucky mortal | | 24 |
which the monster trial showed on its first day out. What will | | 25 |
not arky paper, anticidingly inked with penmark, push, per sample | | 26 |
prof, kuvertly falted, when style, stink and stigmataphoron are | | 27 |
of one sum in the same person? He comes out of the soil very | | 28 |
well after all just where Old Toffler is to come shuffling along- | | 29 |
soons Panniquanne starts showing of her peequuliar talonts. | | 30 |
Awaywrong wandler surking to a rightrare rute for his plain | | 31 |
utterrock sukes, appelled to by her fancy claddaghs. You plied | | 32 |
that pokar, gamesy, swell as aye did, while there were flickars | | 33 |
to the flores. He may be humpy, nay, he may be dumpy but there | | 34 |
is always something racey about, say, a sailor on a horse. As soon | | 35 |
as we sale him geen we gates a sprise! He brings up tofatufa and | | 36 |