Text FW 623

loosed in her reflexes, she seem she seen Ericoricori coricome1
huntsome with his three poach dogs aleashing him. But you came2
safe through. Enough of that homer corner! And old mutther-3
goosip! We might call on the Old Lord, what do you say? There's4
something tells me. He is a fine sport. Like the score and a moighty5
went before him. And a proper old promnentory. His door6
always open. For a newera's day. Much as your own is. You7
invoiced him last Eatster so he ought to give us hockockles and8
everything. Remember to take off your white hat, ech? When9
we come in the presence. And say hoothoothoo, ithmuthisthy!10
His is house of laws. And I'll drop my graciast kertssey too. If11
the Ming Tung no go bo to me homage me hamage kow bow12
tow to the Mong Tang. Ceremonialness to stand lowest place13
be! Saying: What'll you take to link to light a pike on porpoise,14
plaise? He might knight you an Armor elsor daub you the first15
cheap magyerstrape. Remember Bomthomanew vim vam vom16
Hungerig. Hoteform, chain and epolettes, botherbumbose. And17
I'll be your aural eyeness. But we vain. Plain fancies. It's in the18
castles air. My currant bread's full of sillymottocraft. Aloof is19
anoof. We can take or leave. He's reading his ruffs. You'll know20
our way from there surely. Flura's way. Where once we led so21
many car couples have follied since. Clatchka! Giving Shaugh-22
nessy's mare the hillymount of her life. With her strulldeburg-23
ghers! Hnmn hnmn! The rollcky road adondering. We can sit24
us down on the heathery benn, me on you, in quolm uncon-25
sciounce. To scand the arising. Out from Drumleek. It was there26
Evora told me I had best. If I ever. When the moon of mourning27
is set and gone. Over Glinaduna. Lonu nula. Ourselves, oursouls28
alone. At the site of salvocean. And watch would the letter you're29
wanting be coming may be. And cast ashore. That I prays for30
be mains of me draims. Scratching it and patching at with a31
prompt from a primer. And what scrips of nutsnolleges I pecked32
up me meself. Every letter is a hard but yours sure is the hardest33
crux ever. Hack an axe, hook an oxe, hath an an, heth hith ences.34
But once done, dealt and delivered, tattat, you're on the map.35
Rased on traumscrapt from Maston, Boss. After rounding his36

Text FW 624

world of ancient days. Carried in a caddy or screwed and corked.1
On his mugisstosst surface. With a bob, bob, bottledby. Blob.2
When the waves give up yours the soil may for me. Sometime3
then, somewhere there, I wrote me hopes and buried the page4
when I heard Thy voice, ruddery dunner, so loud that none but,5
and left it to lie till a kissmiss coming. So content me now. Lss.6
Unbuild and be buildn our bankaloan cottage there and we'll7
cohabit respectable. The Gowans, ser, for Medem, me. With8
acute bubel runtoer for to pippup and gopeep where the sterres9
be. Just to see would we hear how Jove and the peers talk. Amid10
the soleness. Tilltop, bigmaster! Scale the summit! You're not11
so giddy any more. All your graundplotting and the little it12
brought! Humps, when you hised us and dumps, when you13
doused us! But sarra one of me cares a brambling ram, pomp14
porteryark! On limpidy marge I've made me hoom. Park and a15
pub for me. Only don't start your stunts of Donachie's yeards16
agoad again. I could guessp to her name who tuckt you that one, tuf-17
nut! Bold bet backwords. For the loves of sinfintins! Before the18
naked universe. And the bailby pleasemarm rincing his eye! One19
of these fine days, lewdy culler, you must redoform again.20
Blessed shield Martin! Softly so. I am so exquisitely pleased about21
the loveleavest dress I have. You will always call me Leafiest,22
won't you, dowling? Wordherfhull Ohldhbhoy! And you won't23
urbjunk to me parafume, oiled of kolooney, with a spot of mara-24
shy. Sm! It's Alpine Smile from Yesthers late Yhesters. I'm in25
everywince nasturtls. Even in Houlth's nose. Medeurscodeignus!26
Astale of astoun. Grand owld marauder! If I knew who you are!27
When that hark from the air said it was Captain Finsen makes cum-28
hulments and was mayit pressing for his suit I said are you there29
here's nobody here only me. But I near fell off the pile of samples.30
As if your tinger winged ting to me hear. Is that right what31
your brothermilk in Bray bes telling the district you were bragged32
up by Brostal because your parents would be always tumbling33
into his foulplace and losing her pentacosts after drinking their34
pledges? Howsomendeavour, you done me fine! The only man35
was ever known could eat the crushts of lobsters. Our native36

Text FW 625

night when you twicetook me for some Marienne Sherry and1
then your Jermyn cousin who signs hers with exes and the beard-2
wig I found in your Clarksome bag. Pharaops you'll play you're3
the king of Aeships. You certainly make the most royal of noises.4
I will tell you all sorts of makeup things, strangerous. And show5
you to every simple storyplace we pass. Cadmillersfolly, Bellevenue,6
Wellcrom, Quid Superabit, villities valleties. Change the plates7
for the next course of murphies! Spendlove's still there and the8
canon going strong and so is Claffey's habits endurtaking and9
our parish pomp's a great warrent. But you'll have to ask that10
same four that named them is always snugging in your bar-11
salooner, saying they're the best relicts of Conal O'Daniel and12
writing Finglas since the Flood. That'll be some kingly work in pro-13
gress. But it's by this route he'll come some morrow. And I14
can signal you all flint and fern are rasstling as we go by. And15
you'll sing thumb a bit and then wise your selmon on it. It is all16
so often and still the same to me. Snf? Only turf, wick dear! Clane17
turf. You've never forgodden batt on tarf, have you, at broin18
burroow, what? Mch? Why, them's the muchrooms, come up19
during the night. Look, agres of roofs in parshes. Dom on dam,20
dim in dym. And a capital part for olympics to ply at. Steadyon,21
Cooloosus! Mind your stride or you'll knock. While I'm dodging22
the dustbins. Look what I found! A lintil pea. And look at here!23
This cara weeseed. Pretty mites, my sweetthings, was they poor-24
loves abandoned by wholawidey world? Neighboulotts for new-25
town. The Eblanamagna you behazyheld loomening up out of the26
dumblynass. But the still sama sitta. I've lapped so long. As you27
said. It fair takes. If I lose my breath for a minute or two don't28
speak, remember! Once it happened, so it may again. Why I'm29
all these years within years in soffran, allbeleaved. To hide away30
the tear, the parted. It's thinking of all. The brave that gave their.31
The fair that wore. All them that's gunne. I'll begin again in a32
jiffey. The nik of a nad. How glad you'll be I waked you! My!33
How well you'll feel! For ever after. First we turn by the vagurin34
here and then it's gooder. So side by side, turn agate, wedding-35
town, laud men of Londub! I only hope whole the heavens sees36

Text FW 626

us. For I feel I could near to faint away. Into the deeps. Anna-1
mores leep. Let me lean, just a lea, if you le, bowldstrong big-2
tider. Allgearls is wea. At times. So. While you're adamant evar.3
Wrhps, that wind as if out of norewere! As on the night of the4
Apophanypes. Jumpst shootst throbbst into me mouth like a5
bogue and arrohs! Ludegude of the Lashlanns, how he whips6
me cheeks! Sea, sea! Here, weir, reach, island, bridge. Where you7
meet I. The day. Remember! Why there that moment and us8
two only? I was but teen, a tiler's dot. The swankysuits was9
boosting always, sure him, he was like to me fad. But the swag-10
gerest swell off Shackvulle Strutt. And the fiercest freaky ever11
followed a pining child round the sluppery table with a forkful12
of fat. But a king of whistlers. Scieoula! When he'd prop me atlas13
against his goose and light our two candles for our singers duohs14
on the sewingmachine. I'm sure he squirted juice in his eyes to15
make them flash for flightening me. Still and all he was awful16
fond to me. Who'll search for Find Me Colours now on the hilly-17
droops of Vikloefells? But I read in Tobecontinued's tale that while18
blubles blows there'll still be sealskers. There'll be others but non 19
so for me. Yed he never knew we seen us before. Night after20
night. So that I longed to go to. And still with all. One time you'd21
stand fornenst me, fairly laughing, in your bark and tan billows of 22
branches for to fan me coolly. And I'd lie as quiet as a moss. And23
one time you'd rush upon me, darkly roaring, like a great black 24
shadow with a sheeny stare to perce me rawly. And I'd frozen25
up and pray for thawe. Three times in all. I was the pet of everyone26
then. A princeable girl. And you were the pantymammy's Vulking27
Corsergoth. The invision of Indelond. And, by Thorror, you28
looked it! My lips went livid for from the joy of fear. Like almost29
now. How? How you said how you'd give me the keys of me30
heart. And we'd be married till delth to uspart. And though dev31
do espart. O mine! Only, no, now it's me who's got to give. As32
duv herself div. Inn this linn. And can it be it's nnow fforvell?33
Illas! I wisht I had better glances to peer to you through this bay-34
light's growing. But you're changing, acoolsha, you're changing35
from me, I can feel. Or is it me is? I'm getting mixed. Brightening36

Text FW 627

up and tightening down. Yes, you're changing, sonhusband, and1
you're turning, I can feel you, for a daughterwife from the hills2
again. Imlamaya. And she is coming. Swimming in my hindmoist.3
Diveltaking on me tail. Just a whisk brisk sly spry spink spank4
sprint of a thing theresomere, saultering. Saltarella come to her5
own. I pity your oldself I was used to. Now a younger's there.6
Try not to part! Be happy, dear ones! May I be wrong! For she'll7
be sweet for you as I was sweet when I came down out of me8
mother. My great blue bedroom, the air so quiet, scarce a cloud.9
In peace and silence. I could have stayed up there for always only.10
It's something fails us. First we feel. Then we fall. And let her rain11
now if she likes. Gently or strongly as she likes. Anyway let her12
rain for my time is come. I done me best when I was let. Think-13
ing always if I go all goes. A hundred cares, a tithe of troubles and14
is there one who understands me? One in a thousand of years of15
the nights? All me life I have been lived among them but now16
they are becoming lothed to me. And I am lothing their little17
warm tricks. And lothing their mean cosy turns. And all the18
greedy gushes out through their small souls. And all the lazy19
leaks down over their brash bodies. How small it's all! And me20
letting on to meself always. And lilting on all the time. I thought21
you were all glittering with the noblest of carriage. You're only22
a bumpkin. I thought you the great in all things, in guilt and in23
glory. You're but a puny. Home! My people were not their sort24
out beyond there so far as I can. For all the bold and bad and25
bleary they are blamed, the seahags. No! Nor for all our wild26
dances in all their wild din. I can seen meself among them, alla-27
niuvia pulchrabelled. How she was handsome, the wild Amazia,28
when she would seize to my other breast! And what is she weird,29
haughty Niluna, that she will snatch from my ownest hair! For30
tis they are the stormies. Ho hang! Hang ho! And the clash of31
our cries till we spring to be free. Auravoles, they says, never heed32
of your name! But I'm loothing them that's here and all I lothe.33
Loonely in me loneness. For all their faults. I am passing out. O34
bitter ending! I'll slip away before they're up. They'll never see.35
Nor know. Nor miss me. And it's old and old it's sad and old it's36

Text FW 628

sad and weary I go back to you, my cold father, my cold mad1
father, my cold mad feary father, till the near sight of the mere2
size of him, the moyles and moyles of it, moananoaning, makes me3
seasilt saltsick and I rush, my only, into your arms. I see them4
rising! Save me from those therrble prongs! Two more. Onetwo5
moremens more. So. Avelaval. My leaves have drifted from me.6
All. But one clings still. I'll bear it on me. To remind me of. Lff!7
So soft this morning, ours. Yes. Carry me along, taddy, like you8
done through the toy fair! If I seen him bearing down on me now9
under whitespread wings like he'd come from Arkangels, I sink10
I'd die down over his feet, humbly dumbly, only to washup. Yes,11
tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush the bush12
to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End here. Us13
then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! Till thous-14
endsthee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a last a loved a15
long the16

Text FW 010

of the lipoleums, Toffeethief, that spy on the Willingdone from1
his big white harse, the Capeinhope. Stonewall Willingdone2
is an old maxy montrumeny. Lipoleums is nice hung bushel-3
lors. This is hiena hinnessy laughing alout at the Willing-4
done. This is lipsyg dooley krieging the funk from the hinnessy.5
This is the hinndoo Shimar Shin between the dooley boy and the6
hinnessy. Tip. This is the wixy old Willingdone picket up the7
half of the threefoiled hat of lipoleums fromoud of the bluddle8
filth. This is the hinndoo waxing ranjymad for a bombshoob.9
This is the Willingdone hanking the half of the hat of lipoleums10
up the tail on the buckside of his big white harse. Tip. That was11
the last joke of Willingdone. Hit, hit, hit! This is the same white12
harse of the Willingdone, Culpenhelp, waggling his tailoscrupp13
with the half of a hat of lipoleums to insoult on the hinndoo see-14
boy. Hney, hney, hney! (Bullsrag! Foul!) This is the seeboy,15
madrashattaras, upjump and pumpim, cry to the Willingdone:16
Ap Pukkaru! Pukka Yurap! This is the Willingdone, bornstable17
ghentleman, tinders his maxbotch to the cursigan Shimar Shin.18
Basucker youstead! This is the dooforhim seeboy blow the whole19
of the half of the hat of lipoleums off of the top of the tail on the20
back of his big wide harse. Tip (Bullseye! Game!) How Copen-21
hagen ended. This way the museyroom. Mind your boots goan22
     Phew! 24
     What a warm time we were in there but how keling is here the 25
airabouts! We nowhere she lives but you mussna tell annaone for26
the lamp of Jig-a-Lanthern! It's a candlelittle houthse of a month27
and one windies. Downadown, High Downadown. And num-28
mered quaintlymine. And such reasonable weather too ! The wa-29
grant wind's awalt'zaround the piltdowns and on every blasted30
knollyrock (if you can spot fifty I spy four more) there's that31
gnarlybird ygathering, a runalittle, doalittle, preealittle, pouralittle,32
wipealittle, kicksalittle, severalittle, eatalittle, whinealittle, kenalittle,33
helfalittle, pelfalittle gnarlybird. A verytableland of bleakbardfields!34
Under his seven wrothschields lies one, Lumproar. His glav toside35
him. Skud ontorsed. Our pigeons pair are flewn for northcliffs.36

Text FW 009

is me Belchum sneaking his phillippy out of his most Awful1
Grimmest Sunshat Cromwelly. Looted. This is the jinnies' hast-2
ings dispatch for to irrigate the Willingdone. Dispatch in thin3
red lines cross the shortfront of me Belchum. Yaw, yaw, yaw!4
Leaper Orthor. Fear siecken! Fieldgaze thy tiny frow. Hugact-5
ing. Nap. That was the tictacs of the jinnies for to fontannoy the6
Willingdone. Shee, shee, shee! The jinnies is jillous agincourting7
all the lipoleums. And the lipoleums is gonn boycottoncrezy onto8
the one Willingdone. And the Willingdone git the band up. This9
is bode Belchum, bonnet to busby, breaking his secred word with a10
ball up his ear to the Willingdone. This is the Willingdone's hur-11
old dispitchback. Dispitch desployed on the regions rare of me12
Belchum. Salamangra! Ayi, ayi, ayi! Cherry jinnies. Figtreeyou!13
Damn fairy ann, Voutre. Willingdone. That was the first joke of14
Willingdone, tic for tac. Hee, hee, hee! This is me Belchum in15
his twelvemile cowchooks, weet, tweet and stampforth foremost,16
footing the camp for the jinnies. Drink a sip, drankasup, for he's17
as sooner buy a guinness than he'd stale store stout. This is Roo-18
shious balls. This is a ttrinch. This is mistletropes. This is Canon19
Futter with the popynose. After his hundred days' indulgence.20
This is the blessed. Tarra's widdars! This is jinnies in the bonny21
bawn blooches. This is lipoleums in the rowdy howses. This is the22
Willingdone, by the splinters of Cork, order fire. Tonnerre!23
(Bullsear! Play!) This is camelry, this is floodens, this is the24
solphereens in action, this is their mobbily, this is panickburns.25
Almeidagad! Arthiz too loose! This is Willingdone cry. Brum!26
Brum! Cumbrum! This is jinnies cry. Underwetter! Goat27
strip Finnlambs! This is jinnies rinning away to their ouster-28
lists dowan a bunkersheels. With a nip nippy nip and a trip trip-29
py trip so airy. For their heart's right there. Tip. This is me Bel-30
chum's tinkyou tankyou silvoor plate for citchin the crapes in31
the cool of his canister. Poor the pay! This is the bissmark of the32
marathon merry of the jinnies they left behind them. This is the33
Willingdone branlish his same marmorial tallowscoop Sophy-34
Key-Po for his royal divorsion on the rinnaway jinnies. Gam-35
bariste della porca! Dalaveras fimmieras! This is the pettiest36

Text FW 008

enjoyable of our mounding's mass, now Wallinstone national1
museum, with, in some greenish distance, the charmful water-2
loose country and the two quitewhite villagettes who hear show3
of themselves so gigglesomes minxt the follyages, the prettilees!4
Penetrators are permitted into the museomound free. Welsh and5
the Paddy Patkinses, one shelenk! Redismembers invalids of old6
guard find poussepousse pousseypram to sate the sort of their butt.7
For her passkey supply to the janitrix, the mistress Kathe. Tip.8
     This the way to the museyroom. Mind your hats goan in! 9
Now yiz are in the Willingdone Museyroom. This is a Prooshi-10
ous gunn. This is a ffrinch. Tip. This is the flag of the Prooshi-11
ous, the Cap and Soracer. This is the bullet that byng the flag of12
the Prooshious. This is the ffrinch that fire on the Bull that bang13
the flag of the Prooshious. Saloos the Crossgunn! Up with your14
pike and fork! Tip. (Bullsfoot! Fine!) This is the triplewon hat of15
Lipoleum. Tip. Lipoleumhat. This is the Willingdone on his16
same white harse, the Cokenhape. This is the big Sraughter Wil-17
lingdone, grand and magentic in his goldtin spurs and his ironed18
dux and his quarterbrass woodyshoes and his magnate's gharters19
and his bangkok's best and goliar's goloshes and his pullupon-20
easyan wartrews. This is his big wide harse. Tip. This is the three21
lipoleum boyne grouching down in the living detch. This is an22
inimyskilling inglis, this is a scotcher grey, this is a davy, stoop-23
ing. This is the bog lipoleum mordering the lipoleum beg. A24
Gallawghurs argaumunt. This is the petty lipoleum boy that25
was nayther bag nor bug. Assaye, assaye! Touchole Fitz Tuo-26
mush. Dirty MacDyke. And Hairy O'Hurry. All of them27
arminus-varminus. This is Delian alps. This is Mont Tivel,28
this is Mont Tipsey, this is the Grand Mons Injun. This is the29
crimealine of the alps hooping to sheltershock the three lipoleums.30
This is the jinnies with their legahorns feinting to read in their31
handmade's book of stralegy while making their war undisides32
the Willingdone. The jinnies is a cooin her hand and the jinnies is33
a ravin her hair and the Willingdone git the band up. This is big34
Willingdone mormorial tallowscoop Wounderworker obscides35
on the flanks of the jinnies. Sexcaliber hrosspower. Tip. This36

Text FW 007

rockbound (hoahoahoah!) in swimswamswum and all the livvy-1
long night, the delldale dalppling night, the night of bluerybells,2
her flittaflute in tricky trochees (O carina! O carina!) wake him.3
With her issavan essavans and her patterjackmartins about all4
them inns and ouses. Tilling a teel of a tum, telling a toll of a tea-5
ry turty Taubling. Grace before Glutton. For what we are, gifs6
á gross if we are, about to believe. So pool the begg and pass the7
kish for crawsake. Omen. So sigh us. Grampupus is fallen down8
but grinny sprids the boord. Whase on the joint of a desh? Fin-9
foefom the Fush. Whase be his baken head? A loaf of Singpan-10
try's Kennedy bread. And whase hitched to the hop in his tayle?11
A glass of Danu U'Dunnell's foamous olde Dobbelin ayle. But,12
lo, as you would quaffoff his fraudstuff and sink teeth through13
that pyth of a flowerwhite bodey behold of him as behemoth for14
he is noewhemoe. Finiche! Only a fadograph of a yestern scene.15
Almost rubicund Salmosalar, ancient fromout the ages of the Ag-16
apemonides, he is smolten in our mist, woebecanned and packt17
away. So that meal's dead off for summan, schlook, schlice and18
     Yet may we not see still the brontoichthyan form outlined a- 20
slumbered, even in our own nighttime by the sedge of the trout-21
ling stream that Bronto loved and Brunto has a lean on. Hic cubat22
edilis. Apud libertinam parvulam. Whatif she be in flags or flitters,23
reekierags or sundyechosies, with a mint of mines or beggar a24
pinnyweight. Arrah, sure, we all love little Anny Ruiny, or, we25
mean to say, lovelittle Anna Rayiny, when unda her brella, mid26
piddle med puddle, she ninnygoes nannygoes nancing by. Yoh!27
Brontolone slaaps, yoh snoores. Upon Benn Heather, in Seeple28
Isout too. The cranic head on him, caster of his reasons, peer yu-29
thner in yondmist. Whooth? His clay feet, swarded in verdigrass,30
stick up starck where he last fellonem, by the mund of the maga-31
zine wall, where our maggy seen all, with her sisterin shawl.32
While over against this belles' alliance beyind Ill Sixty, ollol-33
lowed ill! bagsides of the fort, bom, tarabom, tarabom, lurk the34
ombushes, the site of the lyffing-in-wait of the upjock and hock-35
ums. Hence when the clouds roll by, jamey, a proudseye view is36