Text Dr Stuendel FW 030

Nun (für AhnFrau für immer sofennig von IhrRiß Tries und Lilli O’Ran­ge), bezüglich der Genesis von Harold oder Hamphri Chimpdens beruflichen Bei­­Namen (wir sind wieder bei den VorBeiNamen der vorahnbotischen Periode, natt­hürlich gerade als Mennos den HallFallen eine Wunde beibrachte) und ver­werfend einst für al­les jene Theorien von älteren Quellen, die ihn rickwärts in Verbindung mit solchen zentralen FuhrFahren bringen würden wie die Leimer, die BratenFetter, die NordÖstler, die Ankers und die Öhrwickers von Sittel­sie­heim in den Hunderten von Mannsch­heiten oder ihm seinen UhrSprung von den Wiköngern ahnzeichen, die einen Gau gegrindelt hatten und sich in Herrick oder Erik ansüdelten, die höchst authöntische Wirsion, der Dumlat, liest die Lecktüre von Haupt-ben-Edda, bessackt, das es dieser Weg war. Uns wurde er­zählt, daß es sich zu Anfang begab, daß wie stibitzen Cincinnatus, der große alte Gärtner rettete das Tages­Licht unter seinem RotHolzBaum eines schuhwüh­len Sab­bat nachmittags, Hextz Chivikas Evand, ein VlorgFall Pardies Frieden, in­dem er seinem Pflug pflolgte wegen der Wurzellosigkeit im Hinter­Garten des Mub­Hauses, Ihr altes Marine Hotel, als die königliche Familie vom Läufer ange­kün­digt wurde, um erfreut zu werden, um selbst auf der Chaussee entlang­ge­schwankt zu sein, welches ein bequemliebender HundFuchs grude gefolget war, ebenso im Spazier­Schritt, von einer DamenMeute von CockerSpaniel. Ver­gessend alles rettete seiner Vasallen ehrlichen LehnsEid dem Ethnarch gegen­über Hamphri oder Ha­rold, blieb nicht um anzuspannen oder zu satteln, son­dern stolperte heißge­sichtig raus, wie er war (sein schweißfolles HalsTuch löste sich von seinem TaschenMan­tel) und hastete zu den VorHöfen seines WirtsHauses in Höllm, Sat­zel­Gurrt, SommenHut und Plaid, plus Vierer, Würgel­Maschine und BüttelStiefel rötel Zinnbluter mit

Text FW 074

honoured (some Finn, some Finn avant!), he skall wake from1
earthsleep, haught crested elmer, in his valle of briers of Green-2
man's Rise O, (lost leaders live! the heroes return!) and o'er dun3
and dale the Wulverulverlord (protect us!) his mighty horn skall4
roll, orland, roll.5
     For in those deyes his Deyus shall ask of Allprohome 6
and call to himm: Allprohome! And he make answer: Add some. 7
Nor wink nor wunk. Animadiabolum, mene credidisti mortuum?8
Silence was in thy faustive halls, O Truiga, when thy green9
woods went dry but there will be sounds of manymirth on the10
night's ear ringing when our pantriarch of Comestowntonobble11
gets the pullover on his boots.12
     Liverpoor? Sot a bit of it! His braynes coolt parritch, his pelt 13
nassy, his heart's adrone, his bluidstreams acrawl, his puff but a14
piff, his extremeties extremely so: Fengless, Pawmbroke, Chil-15
blaimend and Baldowl. Humph is in his doge. Words weigh no16
no more to him than raindrips to Rethfernhim. Which we all17
like. Rain. When we sleep. Drops. But wait until our sleeping.18
Drain. Sdops.19

Text FW 073

his langwedge and quite quit the paleologic scene, telling how1
by his selfdenying ordnance he had left Hyland on the dissenting2
table, after exhorting Earwicker or, in slightly modified phrase-3
ology, Messrs or Missrs Earwicker, Seir, his feminisible name of4
multitude, to cocoa come outside to Mockerloo out of that for5
the honour of Crumlin, with his broody old flishguds, Gog's6
curse to thim, so as he could brianslog and burst him all dizzy,7
you go bail, like Potts Fracture did with Keddle Flatnose and8
nobodyatall with Wholyphamous and build rocks over him, or9
if he didn't, for two and thirty straws, be Cacao Campbell, he10
didn't know what he wouldn't do for him nor nobody else no-11
more nor him after which, batell martell, a brisha a milla a stroka12
a boola, so the rage of Malbruk, playing on the least change of13
his manjester's voice, the first heroic couplet from the fuguall14
tropical, Opus Elf, Thortytoe: My schemes into obeyance for This15
time has had to fall: they bit goodbyte to their thumb and, his16
bandol eer his solgier, dripdropdrap on pool or poldier, wishing17
the loff a falladelfian in the morning, proceeded with a Hubble-18
forth slouch in his slips backwords (Et Cur Heli!) in the directions19
of the duff and demb institutions about ten or eleven hundred20
years lurch away in the moonshiny gorge of Patself on the Bach. 21
     And thus, with this rochelly exetur of Bully Acre, came to 23
close that last stage in the siegings round our archicitadel which24
we would like to recall, if old Nestor Alexis would wink the25
worth for us, as Bar-le-Duc and Dog-an-Doras and Bangen-op-26
     Yed he med leave to many a door beside of Oxmanswold for 28
so witness his chambered cairns a cloudletlitter silent that are at29
browse up hill and down coombe and on eolithostroton, at30
Howth or at Coolock or even at Enniskerry, a theory none too31
rectiline of the evoluation of human society and a testament of32
the rocks from all the dead unto some the living. Olivers lambs33
we do call them, skatterlings of a stone, and they shall be ga-34
thered unto him, their herd and paladin, as nubilettes to cumule,35
in that day hwen, same the lightning lancer of Azava Arthur-36

Text FW 072

Scuttle to Cover, Salary Grab, Andy Mac Noon in Annie's Room,11
Awl Out, Twitchbratschballs, Bombard Street Bester, Sublime22
Porter, A Ban for Le King of the Burgaans and a Bom for Ye Sur33
of all the Ruttledges, O'Phelim's Cutprice, And at Number Wan44
Wan Wan, What He Done to Castlecostello, Sleeps with Feathers55
end Ropes, It is Known who Sold Horace the Rattler, Enclosed66
find the Sons of Fingal, Swayed in his Falling, Wants a Wife and77
Forty of Them, Let Him Do the Fair, Apeegeequanee Chimmuck,88
Plowp Goes his Whastle, Ruin of the Small Trader, He --- ---99
Milkinghoneybeaverbrooker, Vee was a Vindner, Sower Rapes,1010
Armenian Atrocity, Sickfish Bellyup, Edomite, --- 'Man Devoyd of1111
the Commoner Characteristics of an Irish Nature, Bad Humborg,1212
Hraabhraab, Coocoohandler, Dirt, Miching Daddy, Born Burst Feet1313
Foremost, Woolworth's Worst, Easyathic Phallusaphist, Guiltey-1414
pig's Bastard, Fast in the Barrel, Boose in the Bed, Mister Fatmate,1515
In Custody of the Polis, Boawwll's alocutionist, deposed, but anar-1616
chistically respectsful of the liberties of the noninvasive individual,1717
did not respond a solitary wedgeword beyond such sedentarity,1818
though it was as easy as kissanywhere for the passive resistant in1919
the booth he was in to reach for the hello gripes and ring up Kim-2020
mage Outer 17.67, because, as the fundamentalist explained, when2121
at last shocked into speech, touchin his woundid feelins in the2222
fuchsiar the dominican mission for the sowsealist potty was on at2323
the time and he thought the rowmish devowtion known as the2424
howly rowsary might reeform ihm, Gonn. That more than2525
considerably unpleasant bullocky before he rang off drunkishly2626
pegged a few glatt stones, all of a size, by way of final mocks2727
for his grapes, at the wicket in support of his words that he was2828
not guilphy but, after he had so slaunga vollayed, reconnoi-2929
tring through his semisubconscious the seriousness of what he3030
might have done had he really polished off his terrible intentions3131
finally caused him to change the bawling and leave downg the3232
whole grumus of brookpebbles pangpung and, having sobered3333
up a bit, paces his groundould diablen lionndub, the flay the3434
flegm, the floedy fleshener, (purse, purse, pursyfurse, I'll splish3535
the splume of them all!) this backblocks boor bruskly put out3636

Text FW 071

ing although whitening under restraint in the sititout corner of1
his conservatory, behind faminebuilt walls, his thermos flask and2
ripidian flabel by his side and a walrus whiskerbristle for a tusk-3
pick, compiled, while he mourned the flight of his wild guineese,4
a long list (now feared in part lost) to be kept on file of all abusive5
names he was called (we have been compelled for the rejoicement6
of foinne loidies ind the humours of Milltown etcetera by Joseph-7
ine Brewster in the collision known as Contrastations with Inker-8
mann and so on and sononward, lacies in loo water, flee, celestials,9
one clean turv): Firstnighter, Informer, Old Fruit, Yellow Whigger,10
Wheatears, Goldy Geit, Bogside Beauty, Yass We've Had His11
Badannas, York's Porker, Funnyface, At Baggotty's Bend He12
Bumped, Grease with the Butter, Opendoor Ospices, Cainandabler,13
Ireland's Eighth Wonderful Wonder, Beat My Price, Godsoilman,14
Moonface the Murderer, Hoary Hairy Hoax, Midnight Sunburst,15
Remove that Bible, Hebdromadary Publocation, Tummer the Lame16
the Tyrannous, Blau Clay, Tight before Teatime, Read Your17
Pantojoke, Acoustic Disturbance, Thinks He's Gobblasst the Good18
Dook of Ourguile, W.D.'s Grace, Gibbering Bayamouth of Dublin,19
His Farther was a Mundzucker and She had him in a Growler,20
Burnham and Bailey, Artist, Unworthy of the Homely Protestant21
Religion, Terry Cotter, You're Welcome to Waterfood, signed the22
Ribbonmen, Lobsterpot Lardling, All for Arthur of this Town,23
Hooshed the Cat from the Bacon, Leathertogs Donald, The Ace24
and Deuce of Paupering, O'Reilly's Delights to Kiss the Man25
behind the Borrel, Magogagog, Swad Puddlefoot, Gouty Ghibeline,26
Loose Luther, Hatches Cocks' Eggs, Muddle the Plan, Luck before27
Wedlock, I Divorce Thee Husband, Tanner and a Make, Go to28
Hellena or Come to Connies, Piobald Puffpuff His Bride, Purged29
out of Burke's, He's None of Me Causin, Barebarean, Peculiar30
Person, Grunt Owl's Facktotem, Twelve Months Aristocrat,31
Lycanthrope, Flunkey Beadle Vamps the Tune Letting on He's32
Loney, Thunder and Turf Married into Clandorf, Left Boot Sent33
on Approval, Cumberer of Lord's Holy Ground, Stodge Arschmann,34
Awnt Yuke, Tommy Furlong's Pet Plagues, Archdukon Cabbanger,35
Last Past the Post, Kennealey Won't Tell Thee off Nancy's Gown,36

Text FW 070

from Osterich, the U.S.E. paying (Gaul save the mark!) 11/- in1
the week (Gosh, these wholly romads!) of conscience money in2
the first deal of Yuly wheil he was, swishing beesnest with bles-3
sure, and swobbing broguen eeriesh myth brockendootsch, mak-4
ing his reporterage on Der Fall Adams for the Frankofurto Siding,5
a Fastland payrodicule, and er, consstated that one had on him6
the Lynn O'Brien, a meltoned lammswolle, disturbed, and wider7
he might the same zurichschicken other he would, with tosend8
and obertosend tonnowatters, one monkey's damages become.9
Now you must know, franksman, to make a heart of glass, that10
the game of gaze and bandstand butchery was merely a Patsy11
O'Strap tissue of threats and obuses such as roebucks raugh at12
pinnacle's peak and after this sort. Humphrey's unsolicited visitor,13
Davy or Titus, on a burgley's clan march from the middle west,14
a hikely excellent crude man about road who knew his Bullfoost15
Mountains like a starling bierd, after doing a long dance untidled16
to Cloudy Green, deposend his bockstump on the waityoumay-17
wantme, after having blew some quaker's (for you! Oates!) in18
through the houseking's keyhole to attract attention, bleated19
through the gale outside which the tairor of his clothes was hog-20
callering, first, be the hirsuiter, that he would break his bulshey-21
wigger's head for him, next, be the heeltapper, that he would22
break the gage over his lankyduckling head the same way he23
would crack a nut with a monkeywrench and, last of all, be the24
stirabouter, that he would give him his (or theumperom's or any-25
bloody else's) thickerthanwater to drink and his bleday steppe-26
brodhar's into the bucket. He demanded more wood alcohol to27
pitch in with, alleging that his granfather's was all taxis and that28
it was only after ten o'connell, and this his isbar was a public29
oven for the sake of irsk irskusky, and then, not easily dis-30
couraged, opened the wrathfloods of his atillarery and went on at31
a wicked rate, weathering against him in mooxed metaphores32
from eleven thirty to two in the afternoon without even a lunch-33
eonette interval for House, son of Clod, to come out, you jew-34
beggar, to be Executed Amen. Earwicker, that patternmind, that35
paradigmatic ear, receptoretentive as his of Dionysius, longsuffer-36