Text FW 609

     It was allso agreenable in our sinegear clutchless, touring the 1
no placelike no timelike absolent, mixing up pettyvaughan popu-2
lose with the magnumoore genstries, lloydhaired mersscenary3
blookers with boydskinned pigttetails and goochlipped gwendo-4
lenes with duffyeyed dolores; like so many unprobables in their5
poor suit of the improssable. With Mata and after please with6
Matamaru and after please stop with Matamaruluka and after stop7
do please with Matamarulukajoni.8
     And anotherum. Ah ess, dapple ass! He will be longing after 9
the Grogram Grays. And, Weisingchetaoli, he will levellaut10
ministel Trampleasure be. Sheflower Rosina, younger Sheflower11
fruit Amaryllis, youngest flowerfruityfrond Sallysill or Sillysall.12
And house with heaven roof occupanters they are continuatingly13
attraverse of its milletestudinous windows, ricocoursing them-14
selves, as staneglass on stonegloss, inplayn unglish Wynn's15
Hotel. Brancherds at: Bullbeck, Oldboof, Sassondale, Jorsey16
Uppygard, Mundelonde, Abbeytotte, Bracqueytuitte with Hoc-17
keyvilla, Fockeyvilla, Hillewille and Wallhall. Hoojahoo mana-18
gers the thingaviking. Obning shotly. When the messanger of19
the risen sun, (see other oriel) shall give to every seeable a hue and20
to every hearable a cry and to each spectacle his spot and to each21
happening her houram. The while we, we are waiting, we are22
waiting for. Hymn.23
     Muta: Quodestnunc fumusiste volhvuns ex Domoyno? 24
     Juva: It is Old Head of Kettle puffing off the top of the mornin. 25
     Muta: He odda be thorly well ashamed of himself for smoking 26
before the high host.27
     Juva: Dies is Dorminus master and commandant illy tono- 28
     Muta: Diminussed aster! An I could peecieve amonkst the 30
gatherings who ever they wolk in process?31
     Juva: Khubadah! It is the Chrystanthemlander with his 32
porters of bonzos, pompommy plonkyplonk, the ghariwallahs,33
moveyovering the cabrattlefield of slaine.34
     Muta: Pongo da Banza! An I would uscertain in druidful 35
scatterings one piece tall chap he stand one piece same place?36

Text FW 608

     It is a mere mienerism of this vague of visibilities, mark you, 1
as accorded to by moisturologist of the Brehons Assorceration for2
the advauncement of scayence because, my dear, mentioning of3
it under the breath, as in pure (what bunkum!) essenesse, there4
have been disselving forenenst you just the draeper, the two5
drawpers assisters and the three droopers assessors confraterni-6
tisers. Who are, of course, Uncle Arth, your two cozes from7
Niece and (kunject a bit now!) our own familiars, Billyhealy, Bally-8
hooly and Bullyhowley, surprised in an indecorous position by9
the Sigurd Sigerson Sphygmomanometer Society for bled-10
     Knightsmore. Haventyne? 12
     Ha ha! 13
     This Mister Ireland? And a live? 14
     Ay, ay. Aye, aye, baas. 15
     The cry of Stena chills the vitals of slumbring off the motther 16
has been pleased into the harms of old salaciters, meassurers17
soon and soon, but the voice of Alina gladdens the cockly-18
hearted dreamerish for that magic moning with its ching19
chang chap sugay kaow laow milkee muchee bringing becker-20
brose, the brew with the foochoor in it. Sawyest? Nodt? Nyets,21
I dhink I sawn to remumb or sumbsuch. A kind of a thinglike22
all traylogged then pubably it resymbles a pelvic or some kvind23
then props an acutebacked quadrangle with aslant off ohahn-24
thenth a wenchyoumaycuddler, lying with her royalirish upper-25
shoes among the theeckleaves. Signs are on of a mere by token26
that wills still to be becoming upon this there once a here was27
world. As the dayeleyves unfolden them. In the wake of the28
blackshape, Nattenden Sorte; whenat, hindled firth and hundled29
furth, the week of wakes is out and over; as a wick weak woking30
from ennemberable Ashias unto fierce force fuming, temtem31
tamtam, the Phoenican wakes.32
     Passing. One. We are passing. Two. From sleep we are pass- 33
ing. Three. Into the wikeawades warld from sleep we are passing.34
Four. Come, hours, be ours!35
     But still. Ah diar, ah diar! And stay. 36

Text FW 607

that is how we get to Missas in Massas. The old Marino tale. We1
veriters verity notefew demmed lustres priorly magistrite maxi-2
mollient in ludubility learned. Facst. Teak off that wise head!3
Great sinner, good sonner, is in effect the motto of the Mac-4
Cowell family. The gloved fist (skrimmhandsker) was intraduced5
into their socerdatal tree before the fourth of the twelfth and it6
is even a little odd all four horolodgeries still gonging restage7
Jakob van der Bethel, smolking behing his pipe, with Essav of8
Messagepostumia, lentling out his borrowed chafingdish, before9
cymbaloosing the apostles at every hours of changeover. The10
first and last rittlerattle of the anniverse; when is a nam nought a11
nam whenas it is a. Watch! Heroes' Highway where our fleshers12
leave their bonings and every bob and joan to fill the bumper fair.13
It is their segnall for old Champelysied to seek the shades of his14
retirement and for young Chappielassies to tear a round and tease15
their partners lovesoftfun at Finnegan's Wake.16
     And it's high tigh tigh. Titley hi ti ti. That my dig pressed in 17
your dag si. Gnug of old Gnig. Ni, gnid mig brawly! I bag your18
burden. Mees is thees knees. Thi is Mi. We have caught one-19
selves, Sveasmeas, in somes incontigruity coumplegs of heopon-20
hurrish marrage from whose I most sublumbunate. A polog, my21
engl! Excutes. Om still so sovvy. Whyle om till ti ti.22
     Ha! 23
     Dayagreening gains in schlimninging. A summerwint spring- 24
falls, abated. Hail, regn of durknass, snowly receassing, thund25
lightening thund, into the dimbelowstard departamenty whither-26
out, soon hist, soon mist, to the hothehill from the hollow,27
Solsking the Frist (attempted by the admirable Captive Bunting28
and Loftonant-Cornel Blaire) will processingly show up above29
Tumplen Bar whereupont he was much jubilated by Boerge-30
mester "Dyk" ffogg of Isoles, now Eisold, looking most plussed31
with (exhib 39) a clout capped sunbubble anaccanponied from32
his bequined torse. Up.33
     Blanchardstown mewspeppers pleads coppyl. Gracest good- 34
ness, heave mensy upponnus! Grand old Manbutton, give your35
bowlers a rest!36

Text FW 606

water, perpetually chaste, so that, well understanding, she should1
fill to midheight his tubbathaltar, which hanbathtub, most blessed2
Kevin, ninthly enthroned, in the concentric centre of the trans-3
lated water, whereamid, when violet vesper vailed, Saint Kevin,4
Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to5
his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of wis-6
dom, that handbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis7
of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory8
extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse,9
he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacra-10
ment of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of11
water. Yee.12
     Bisships, bevel to rock's rite! Sarver buoy, extinguish! Nuota- 13
bene. The rare view from the three Benns under the bald heaven14
is on the other end, askan your blixom on dimmen and blastun,15
something to right hume about. They were erected in a purvious16
century, as a hen fine coops and, if you know your Bristol and17
have trudged the trolly ways and elventurns of that old cobbold18
city, you will sortofficially scribble a mental Peny-Knox-Gore.19
Whether they were franklings by name also has not been fully20
probed. Their design is a whosold word and the charming de-21
tails of light in dark are freshed from the feminiairity which22
breathes content. O ferax cupla! Ah, fairypair! The first exploder23
to make his ablations in these parks was indeed that lucky mortal24
which the monster trial showed on its first day out. What will25
not arky paper, anticidingly inked with penmark, push, per sample26
prof, kuvertly falted, when style, stink and stigmataphoron are27
of one sum in the same person? He comes out of the soil very28
well after all just where Old Toffler is to come shuffling along-29
soons Panniquanne starts showing of her peequuliar talonts.30
Awaywrong wandler surking to a rightrare rute for his plain31
utterrock sukes, appelled to by her fancy claddaghs. You plied32
that pokar, gamesy, swell as aye did, while there were flickars33
to the flores. He may be humpy, nay, he may be dumpy but there34
is always something racey about, say, a sailor on a horse. As soon35
as we sale him geen we gates a sprise! He brings up tofatufa and36

Text FW 605

fond of stones, friend of gnewgnawns bones and leaving all the1
messy messy to look after our douche douche, the miracles,2
death and life are these.3
     Yad. Procreated on the ultimate ysland of Yreland in the en- 4
cyclical yrish archipelago, come their feast of precreated holy5
whiteclad angels, whomamong the christener of his, voluntarily6
poor Kevin, having been graunted the praviloge of a priest's7
postcreated portable altare cum balneo, when espousing the one8
true cross, invented and exalted, in celibate matrimony at matin9
chime arose and westfrom went and came in alb of cloth of gold10
to our own midmost Glendalough-le-vert by archangelical guid-11
ance where amiddle of meeting waters of river Yssia and Essia12
river on this one of eithers lone navigable lake piously Kevin,13
lawding the triune trishagion, amidships of his conducible altar14
super bath, rafted centripetally, diaconal servent of orders hiber-15
nian, midway across the subject lake surface to its supreem epi-16
centric lake Ysle, whereof its lake is the ventrifugal principality,17
whereon by prime, powerful in knowledge, Kevin came to where18
its centre is among the circumfluent watercourses of Yshgafiena19
and Yshgafiuna, an enysled lakelet yslanding a lacustrine yslet,20
whereupon with beached raft subdiaconal bath propter altar,21
with oil extremely anointed, accompanied by prayer, holy Kevin22
bided till the third morn hour but to build a rubric penitential23
honeybeehivehut in whose enclosure to live in fortitude, acolyte24
of cardinal virtues, whereof the arenary floor, most holy Kevin25
excavated as deep as to the depth of a seventh part of one full26
fathom, which excavated, venerable Kevin, anchorite, taking27
counsel, proceded towards the lakeside of the ysletshore whereat28
seven several times he, eastward genuflecting, in entire ubidience29
at sextnoon collected gregorian water sevenfold and with am-30
brosian eucharistic joy of heart as many times receded, carrying31
that privileged altar unacumque bath, which severally seven times32
into the cavity excavated, a lector of water levels, most venerable33
Kevin, then effused thereby letting there be water where was there-34
tofore dry land, by him so concreated, who now, confirmed a strong35
and perfect christian, blessed Kevin, exorcised his holy sister36

Text FW 604

peechy. Say he that saw him that saw! Man shall sharp run1
do a get him. Ask no more, Jerry mine, Roga's voice! No2
pice soorkabatcha. The bog which puckerooed the posy. The3
vinebranch of Heremonheber on Bregia's plane where Teffia lies4
is leaved invert and fructed proper but the cublic hatches endnot5
open yet for hourly rincers' mess. Read Higgins, Cairns and Egen.6
Malthus is yet lukked in close. Withun. How swathed there-7
answer alcove makes theirinn! Besoakers loiter on. And primi-8
libatory solicates of limon sodias will be absorbable. It is9
not even yet the engine of the load with haled morries full of10
crates, you mattinmummur, for dombell dumbs? Sure and 'tis11
not then. The greek Sideral Reulthway, as it havvents, will soon12
be starting a smooth with its first single hastencraft. Danny buz-13
zers instead of the vialact coloured milk train on the fartykket14
plan run with its endless gallaxion of rotatorattlers and the smool-15
troon our elderens rememberem as the scream of the service,16
Strubry Bess. Also the waggonwobblers are still yet everdue to17
precipitate after night's combustion. Aspect, Shamus Rogua or!18
Taceate and! Hagiographice canat Ecclesia. Which aubrey our19
first shall show. Inattendance who is who is will play that's what's20
that to what's that, what.21
     Oyes! Oyeses! Oyesesyeses! The primace of the Gaulls, pro- 22
tonotorious, I yam as I yam, mitrogenerand in the free state on23
the air, is now aboil to blow a Gael warning. Inoperation Eyr-24
lands Eyot, Meganesia, Habitant and the onebut thousand insels,25
Western and Osthern Approaches.26
     Of Kevin, of increate God the servant, of the Lord Creator a 27
filial fearer, who, given to the growing grass, took to the tall tim-28
ber, slippery dick the springy heeler, as we have seen, so we29
have heard, what we have received, that we have transmitted,30
thus we shall hope, this we shall pray till, in the search for31
love of knowledge through the comprehension of the unity in32
altruism through stupefaction, it may again how it may again,33
shearing aside the four wethers and passing over the dainty daily34
dairy and dropping by the way the lapful of live coals and35
smoothing out Nelly Nettle and her lad of mettle, full of stings,36

Text FW 603

he'd lust in Wooming but with that smeoil like a grace of backon-1
ing over his egglips of the sunsoonshine. Here's heering you in2
a guessmasque, latterman! And such an improofment! As royt3
as the mail and as fat as a fuddle! Schoen! Shoan! Shoon the4
Puzt! A penny for your thought abouts! Tay, tibby, tanny,5
tummy, tasty, tosty, tay. Batch is for Baker who baxters our6
bread. O, what an ovenly odour! Butter butter! Bring us this7
days our maily bag! But receive me, my frensheets, from the8
emerald dark winterlong! For diss is the doss for Eilder Downes9
and dass is it duss, as singen sengers, what the hardworking10
straightwalking stoutstamping securelysealing officials who trow11
to form our G.M.P.'s pass muster generally shay for shee and12
sloo for slee when butting their headd to the pillow for a night-13
shared nakeshift with the alter girl they tuck in for sweepsake.14
Dutiful wealker for his hydes of march. Haves you the time.15
Hans ahike? Heard you the crime, senny boy? The man was16
giddy on letties on the dewry of the duary, be pursueded,17
whethered with entrenous, midgreys, dagos, teatimes, shadows,18
nocturnes or samoans, if wellstocked fillerouters plushfeverfraus19
with dopy chonks, and this, that and the other pigskin or muffle20
kinkles, taking a pipe course or doing an anguish, seen to his21
fleece in after his foull, when Dr Chart of Greet Chorsles street22
he changed his backbone at a citting. He had not the declaina-23
tion, as what with the foos as whet with the fays, but so far as24
hanging a goobes on the precedings, wherethen the lag allows, it25
mights be anything after darks. Which the deers alones they sees26
and the darkies they is snuffing of the wind up. Debbling.27
Greanteavvents! Hyacinssies with heliotrollops! Not once28
fullvixen freakings and but dubbledecoys! It is a lable iction on29
the porte of the cuthulic church and summum most atole for it.30
Where is that blinketey blanketer, that quound of a pealer, the31
sunt of a hunt whant foxes good men! Where or he, our loved32
among many?33
     But what does Coemghem, the fostard? Tyro a tora. The 34
novened iconostase of his blueygreyned vitroils but begins35
in feint to light his legend. Let Phosphoron proclaim! Peechy36

Text FW 601

is sure he means bisnisgels to empalmover. A naked yogpriest,1
clothed of sundust, his oakey doaked with frondest leoves, offrand2
to the ewon of her owen. Tasyam kuru salilakriyamu! Pfaf!3
     Bring about it to be brought about and it will be, loke, our lake 4
lemanted, that greyt lack, the citye of Is is issuant (atlanst!), urban5
and orbal, through seep froms umber under wasseres of Erie.6
     Lough! 7
     Hwo! Hwy, dairmaidens? Asthoreths, assay! Earthsigh to is 8
     Hillsengals, the daughters of the cliffs, responsen. Longsome 10
the samphire coast. From thee to thee, thoo art it thoo, that11
thouest there. The like the near, the liker nearer. O sosay! A12
family, a band, a school, a clanagirls. Fiftines andbut fortines by13
novanas andor vantads by octettes ayand decadendecads by a14
lunary with last a lone. Whose every has herdifferent from the15
similies with her site. Sicut campanulae petalliferentes they coroll16
in caroll round Botany Bay. A dweam of dose innocent dirly17
dirls. Keavn! Keavn! And they all setton voicies about singsing18
music was Keavn! He. Only he. Ittle he. Ah! The whole19
clangalied. Oh!20
     S. Wilhelmina's, S. Gardenia's, S. Phibia's, S. Veslandrua's, 21
S. Clarinda's, S. Immecula's, S. Dolores Delphin's, S. Perlan-22
throa's, S. Errands Gay's, S. Eddaminiva's, S. Rhodamena's, S.23
Ruadagara's, S. Drimicumtra's, S. Una Vestity's, S. Mintargisia's,24
S. Misha-La-Valse's, S. Churstry's, S. Clouonaskieym's, S. Bella-25
vistura's, S. Santamonta's, S. Ringsingsund's, S. Heddadin26
Drade's, S. Glacianivia's, S. Waidafrira's, S. Thomassabbess's27
and (trema! unloud!! pepet!!!) S. Loellisotoelles!28
     Prayfulness! Prayfulness! 29
     Euh! Thaet is seu whaet shaell one naeme it! 30
     The meidinogues have tingued togethering. Ascend out of 31
your bed, cavern of a trunk, and shrine! Kathlins is kitchin.32
Soros cast, ma brone! You must exterra acquarate to interirigate33
all the arkypelicans. The austrologer Wallaby by Tolan, who34
farshook our showrs from Newer Aland, has signed the you and35
the now our mandate. Milenesia waits. Be smark.36

Text FW 600

cannibal king to the property horse, being, slumply and slopely, to1
remind us how, in this drury world of ours, Father Times and2
Mother Spacies boil their kettle with their crutch. Which every3
lad and lass in the lane knows. Hence.4
     Polycarp pool, the pool of Innalavia, Saras the saft as, of 5
meadewy marge, atween Deltas Piscium and Sagittariastrion,6
whereinn once we lave 'tis alve and vale, minnyhahing here from7
hiarwather, a poddlebridges in a passabed, the river of lives, the8
regenerations of the incarnations of the emanations of the appa-9
rentations of Funn and Nin in Cleethabala, the kongdomain of10
the Alieni, an accorsaired race, infester of Libnud Ocean, Moyla-11
more, let it be! Where Allbroggt Neandser tracking Viggynette12
Neeinsee gladsighted her Linfian Fall and a teamdiggingharrow13
turned the first sod. Sluce! Caughterect! Goodspeed the blow!14
(Incidentally 'tis believed that his harpened before Gage's Fane15
for it has to be over this booty spotch, though some hours to16
the wester, that ex-Colonel House's preterpost heiress is to re-17
turn unto the outstretcheds of Dweyr O'Michael's loinsprung18
the blunterbusted pikehead which his had hewn in hers, pro-19
longed laughter words). There an alomdree begins to green,20
soreen seen for loveseat, as we know that should she, for by21
essentience his law, so it make all. It is scainted to Vitalba. And22
her little white bloomkins, twittersky trimmed, are hobdoblins'23
hankypanks. Saxenslyke our anscessers thought so darely on24
now they're going soever to Anglesen, free of juties, dyrt chapes.25
There too a slab slobs, immermemorial, the only in all swamp.26
But so bare, so boulder, brag sagging such a brr bll bmm show27
that, of Barindens, the white alfred, it owed to have at leased28
some butchup's upperon. Homos Circas Elochlannensis! His29
showplace at Leeambye. Old Wommany Wyes. Pfif! But, while30
gleam with gloom swan here and there, this shame rock and that31
whispy planter tell Paudheen Steel-the-Poghue and his perty32
Molly Vardant, in goodbroomirish, arrah, this place is a proper33
and his feist a ferial for curdnal communial, so be who would34
celibrate the holy mystery upon or that the pirigrim from Mainy-35
lands beatend, the calmleaved hutcaged by that look whose glaum36

Text FW 599

cognance and their ilks and their orts and their everythings that1
is be will was theirs.2
     Much obliged. Time-o'-Thay! But wherth, O clerk? 3
     Whithr a clonk? Vartman! See you not soo the pfath they 4
pfunded, oura vatars that arred in Himmal, harruad bathar na-5
mas, the gow, the stiar, the tigara, the liofant, when even thurst6
was athar vetals, mid trefoils slipped the sable rampant, hoof,7
hoof, hoof, hoof, padapodopudupedding on fattafottafutt. Ere8
we are! Signifying, if tungs may tolkan, that, primeval condi-9
tions having gradually receded but nevertheless the emplacement10
of solid and fluid having to a great extent persisted through11
intermittences of sullemn fulminance, sollemn nuptialism, sallemn12
sepulture and providential divining, making possible and even;13
inevitable, after his a time has a tense haves and havenots hesitency,14
at the place and period under consideration a socially organic15
entity of a millenary military maritory monetary morphological16
circumformation in a more- or less settled state of equonomic17
ecolube equalobe equilab equilibbrium. Gam on, Gearge! Nomo-18
morphemy for me! Lessnatbe angardsmanlake! You jast gat a19
tache of army on the stumuk. To the Angar at Anker. Aecquo-20
tincts. Seeworthy. Lots thankyouful, polite pointsins! There's21
a tavarn in the tarn.22
     Tip. Take Tamotimo's topical. Tip. Browne yet Noland. Tip. 23
     Where. Cumulonubulocirrhonimbant heaven electing, the dart 25
of desire has gored the heart of secret waters and the poplarest26
wood in the entire district is being grown at present, eminently27
adapted for the requirements of pacnincstricken humanity and,28
between all the goings up and the whole of the comings down and29
the fog of the cloud in which we toil and the cloud of the fog30
under which we labour, bomb the thing's to be domb about it so31
that, beyond indicating the locality, it is felt that one cannot with32
advantage add a very great deal to the aforegoing by what, such as33
it is to be, follows, just mentioning however that the old man of34
the sea and the old woman in the sky if they don't say nothings35
about it they don't tell us lie, the gist of the pantomime, from36