598 | ||
Every those personal place objects if nonthings where soevers | 1 | |
and they just done been doing being in a dromo of todos with- | 2 | |
outen a bound to be your trowers. Forswundled. You hald him | 3 | |
by the tap of the tang. Not a salutary sellable sound is since. In- | 4 | |
steed for asteer, adrift with adraft. Nuctumbulumbumus wander- | 5 | |
wards the Nil. Victorias neanzas. Alberths neantas. It was a long, | 6 | |
very long, a dark, very dark, an allburt unend, scarce endurable, | 7 | |
and we could add mostly quite various and somenwhat stumble- | 8 | |
tumbling night. Endee he sendee. Diu! The has goning at gone, | 9 | |
the is coming to come. Greets to ghastern, hie to morgning. Dor- | 10 | |
midy, destady. Doom is the faste. Well down, good other! Now | 11 | |
day, slow day, from delicate to divine, divases. Padma, brighter | 12 | |
and sweetster, this flower that bells, it is our hour or risings. | 13 | |
Tickle, tickle. Lotus spray. Till herenext. Adya. | 14 | |
Take thanks, thankstum, thamas. In that earopean end meets | 15 | |
Ind. | 16 | |
There is something supernoctural about whatever you called | 17 | |
him it. Panpan and vinvin are not alonety vanvan and pinpin in | 18 | |
your Tamal without tares but simplysoley they are they. This- | 19 | |
utter followis that odder fellow. Himkim kimkim. Old yeaster- | 20 | |
loaves may be a stale as a stub and the pitcher go to aftoms on the | 21 | |
wall. Mildew, murk, leak and yarn now want the bad that they | 22 | |
lied on. And your last words todate in camparative accousto- | 23 | |
mology are going to tell stretch of a fancy through strength to- | 24 | |
wards joyance, adyatants, where he gets up. Allay for allay, a | 25 | |
threat for a throat. | 26 | |
Tim! | 27 | |
To them in Ysat Loka. Hearing. The urb it orbs. Then's now | 28 | |
with now's then in tense continuant. Heard. Who having has | 29 | |
he shall have had. Hear! Upon the thuds trokes truck, chim, | 30 | |
it will be exactlyso fewer hours by so many minutes of the | 31 | |
ope of the diurn of the sennight of the maaned of the yere of | 32 | |
the age of the madamanvantora of Grossguy and Littleylady, | 33 | |
our hugibus hugibum and our weewee mother, actaman house- | 34 | |
truewith, and their childer and their napirs and their napirs' | 35 | |
childers napirs and their chattels and their servance and their | 36 |
Text FW 597
597 | ||
worn. Soe? La! Lamfadar's arm it has cocoincidences. You mean | 1 | |
to see we have been hadding a sound night's sleep? You may so. | 2 | |
It is just, it is just about to, it is just about to rolywholyover. | 3 | |
Svapnasvap. Of all the stranger things that ever not even in the | 4 | |
hundrund and badst pageans of unthowsent and wonst nice or | 5 | |
in eddas and oddes bokes of tomb, dyke and hollow to be have | 6 | |
happened! The untireties of livesliving being the one substrance | 7 | |
of a streamsbecoming. Totalled in toldteld and teldtold in tittle- | 8 | |
tell tattle. Why? Because, graced be Gad and all giddy gadgets, | 9 | |
in whose words were the beginnings, there are two signs to turn | 10 | |
to, the yest and the ist, the wright side and the wronged side, | 11 | |
feeling aslip and wauking up, so an, so farth. Why? On the sourd- | 12 | |
site we have the Moskiosk Djinpalast with its twin adjacencies, | 13 | |
the bathouse and the bazaar, allahallahallah, and on the sponthe- | 14 | |
site it is the alcovan and the rosegarden, boony noughty, all pura- | 15 | |
puthry. Why? One's apurr apuss a story about brid and break- | 16 | |
fedes and parricombating and coushcouch but others is of tholes | 17 | |
and oubworn buyings, dolings and chafferings in heat, contest | 18 | |
and enmity. Why? Every talk has his stay, vidnis Shavarsanjivana, | 19 | |
and all-a-dreams perhapsing under lucksloop at last are through. | 20 | |
Why? It is a sot of a swigswag, systomy dystomy, which evera- | 21 | |
body you ever anywhere at all doze. Why? Such me. | 22 | |
And howpsadrowsay. | 23 | |
Lok! A shaft of shivery in the act, anilancinant. Cold's sleuth! | 24 | |
Vayuns! Where did thots come from? It is infinitesimally fevers, | 25 | |
resty fever, risy fever, a coranto of aria, sleeper awakening, in | 26 | |
the smalls of one's back presentiment, gip, and again, geip, a | 27 | |
flash from a future of maybe mahamayability through the windr | 28 | |
of a wondr in a wildr is a weltr as a wirbl of a warbl is a world. | 29 | |
Tom. | 30 | |
It is perfect degrees excelsius. A jaladaew still stilleth. Cloud | 31 | |
lay but mackrel are. Anemone activescent, the torporature is re- | 32 | |
turning to mornal. Humid nature is feeling itself freely at ease | 33 | |
with the all fresco. The vervain is to herald as the grass admini- | 34 | |
sters. They say, they say in effect, they really say. You have eaden | 35 | |
fruit. Say whuit. You have snakked mid a fish. Telle whish. | 36 |
Text FW 596
596 | ||
at hand; for which thetheatron is a lemoronage; at milch- | 1 | |
goat fairmesse; in full dogdhis; sod on a fall; pat; the hundering | 2 | |
blundering dunderfunder of plundersundered manhood; behold, | 3 | |
he returns; renascenent; fincarnate; still foretold around the hearth- | 4 | |
side; at matin a fact; hailed chimers' ersekind; foe purmanant, | 5 | |
fum in his mow; awike in wave risurging into chrest; victis poenis | 6 | |
hesternis; fostfath of solas; fram choicest of wiles with warmen | 7 | |
and sogns til Banba, burial aranging; under articles thirtynine of | 8 | |
the reconstitution; by the lord's order of the canon consecrand- | 9 | |
able; earthlost that we thought him; pesternost, the noneknown | 10 | |
worrier; from Tumbarumba mountain; in persence of whole | 11 | |
landslots; forebe all the rassias; sire of leery subs of dub; the Dig- | 12 | |
gins, Woodenhenge, as to hang out at; with spawnish oel full his | 13 | |
angalach; the sousenugh; gnomeosulphidosalamermauderman; the | 14 | |
big brucer, fert in fort; Gunnar, of The Gunnings, Gund; one | 15 | |
of the two or three forefivest fellows a bloke could in holiday | 16 | |
crowd encounter; benedicted be the barrel; kilderkins, lids off; a | 17 | |
roache, an oxmaster, a sort of heaps, a pamphilius, a vintivat | 18 | |
niviceny, a hygiennic contrivance socalled from the editor; the | 19 | |
thick of your thigh; you knox; quite; talking to the vicar's joy | 20 | |
and ruth; the gren, woid and glue been broking by the maybole | 21 | |
gards; he; when no crane in Elga is heard; upout to speak this | 22 | |
lay; without links, without impediments, with gygantogyres, | 23 | |
with freeflawforms;parasama to himself; atman as evars; whom | 24 | |
otherwise becauses; no puler as of old but as of young a palatin; | 25 | |
whitelock not lacked nor temperasoleon; though he appears a | 26 | |
funny colour;stoatters some; but a quite a big bug after the | 27 | |
dahlias; place inspectorum sarchent; also the hullow chyst ex- | 28 | |
cavement; astronomically fabulafigured; as Jambudvispa Vipra | 29 | |
foresaw of him; the last half versicle repurchasing his pawned | 30 | |
word; sorensplit and paddypatched; and pfor to pfinish our pfun | 31 | |
of a pfan coalding the keddle mickwhite; sure, straight, slim, | 32 | |
sturdy, serene, synthetical, swift. | 33 | |
By the antar of Yasas! Ruse made him worthily achieve in- | 34 | |
herited wish. The drops upon that mantle rained never around | 35 | |
Fingal. Goute! Loughlin's Salts, Will, make a newman if any- | 36 |
Text FW 595
595 | ||
leges, Exmooth, Ostbys for ost, boys, each and one? Death banes | 1 | |
and the quick quoke. But life wends and the dombs spake! | 2 | |
Whake? Hill of Hafid, knock and knock, nachasach, gives relief | 3 | |
to the langscape as he strauches his lamusong untoupon gazelle | 4 | |
channel and the bride of the Bryne, shin high shake, is dotter | 5 | |
than evar for a damse wed her farther. Lambel on the up! We | 6 | |
may plesently heal Geoglyphy's twentynine ways to say good- | 7 | |
bett an wassing seoosoon liv. With the forty wonks winking | 8 | |
please me your much as to. With her tup. It's a long long ray to | 9 | |
Newirgland's premier. For korps, for streamfish, for confects, | 10 | |
for bullyoungs, for smearsassage, for patates, for steaked pig, for | 11 | |
men, for limericks, for waterfowls, for wagsfools, for louts, for | 12 | |
cold airs, for late trams, for curries, for curlews, for leekses, for | 13 | |
orphalines, for tunnygulls, for clear goldways, for lungfortes, for | 14 | |
moonyhaunts, for fairmoneys, for coffins, for tantrums, for | 15 | |
armaurs, for waglugs, for rogues comings, for sly goings, | 16 | |
for larksmathes, for homdsmeethes, for quailsmeathes, kilalooly. | 17 | |
Tep! Come lead, crom lech! Top. Wisely for us Old Bruton has | 18 | |
withdrawn his theory. You are alpsulumply wroght! Amsu- | 19 | |
lummmm. But this is perporteroguing youpoorapps? Naman- | 20 | |
tanai. Sure it's not revieng your? Amslu! Good all so. We seem | 21 | |
to understand apad vellumtomes muniment, Arans Duhkha, | 22 | |
among hoseshoes, cheriotiers and etceterogenious bargainbout- | 23 | |
barrows, ofver and umnder, since, evenif or although, in double | 24 | |
preposition as in triple conjunction, how the mudden research in | 25 | |
the topaia that was Mankaylands has gone to prove from the | 26 | |
picalava present in the maramara melma that while a successive | 27 | |
generation has been in the deep deep deeps of Deepereras. Buried | 28 | |
hearts. Rest here. | 29 | |
Conk a dook he'll doo. Svap. | 30 | |
So let him slap, the sap! Till they take down his shatter from | 31 | |
his shap. He canease. Fill stap. | 32 | |
Thus faraclacks the friarbird. Listening, Syd! | 33 | |
The child, a natural child, thenown by the mnames of, (aya! | 34 | |
aya!), wouldbewas kidnapped at an age of recent probably, | 35 | |
possibly remoter; or he conjured himself from seight by slide | 36 |
Text FW 594
594 | ||
Vah! Suvarn Sur! Scatter brand to the reneweller of the sky, | 1 | |
thou who agnitest! Dah! Arcthuris comeing! Be! Verb umprin- | 2 | |
cipiant through the trancitive spaces! Kilt by kelt shell kithagain | 3 | |
with kinagain. We elect for thee, Tirtangel. Svadesia salve! We | 4 | |
Durbalanars, theeadjure. A way, the Margan, from our astamite, | 5 | |
through dimdom done till light kindling light has led we hopas | 6 | |
but hunt me the journeyon, iteritinerant, the kal his course, | 7 | |
amid the semitary of Somnionia. Even unto Heliotropolis, the | 8 | |
castellated, the enchanting. Now if soomone felched a twoel | 9 | |
and soomonelses warmet watter we could, while you was saying | 10 | |
Morkret Miry or Smud, Brunt and Rubbinsen, make sunlike | 11 | |
sylp om this warful dune's battam. Yet clarify begins at. Whither | 12 | |
the spot for? Whence the hour by? See but! Lever hulme! Take | 13 | |
in. Respassers should be pursaccoutred. Qui stabat Meins quan- | 14 | |
tum qui stabat Peins. As of yours. We annew. Our shades of | 15 | |
minglings mengle them and help help horizons. A flasch and, | 16 | |
rasch, it shall come to pasch, as hearth by hearth leaps live. For | 17 | |
the tanderest stock with the rosinost top Ahlen Hill's, clubpub- | 18 | |
ber, in general stores and. Atriathroughwards, Lugh the | 19 | |
Brathwacker will be the listened after and he larruping sparks out of | 20 | |
his teiney ones. The spearspid of dawnfire totouches ain the | 21 | |
tablestoane ath the centre of the great circle of the macroliths of | 22 | |
Helusbelus in the boshiman brush on this our peneplain by Fan- | 23 | |
galuvu Bight whence the horned cairns erge, stanserstanded, | 24 | |
to floran frohn, idols of isthmians. Overwhere. Gaunt grey | 25 | |
ghostly gossips growing grubber in the glow. Past now pulls. | 26 | |
Cur one beast, even Dane the Great, may treadspath with | 27 | |
sniffer he snout impursuant to byelegs. Edar's chuckal humuristic. | 28 | |
But why pit the cur afore the noxe? Let shrill their duan | 29 | |
Gallus, han, and she, hou the Sassqueehenna, makes ducks- | 30 | |
runs at crooked. Once for the chantermale, twoce for the pother | 31 | |
and once twoce threece for the waither. So an inedible yellow- | 32 | |
meat turns out the invasable blackth. Kwhat serves to rob with | 33 | |
Alliman, saelior, a turnkeyed trot to Seapoint, pierrotettes, means | 34 | |
Noel's Bar and Julepunsch, by Joge, if you've tippertaps in your | 35 | |
head or starting kursses, tailour, you're silenced at Henge Ceol- | 36 |
Text FW 593
593 | ||
Sandhyas! Sandhyas! Sandhyas! | 1 | |
Calling all downs. Calling all downs to dayne. Array! Surrec- | 2 | |
tion! Eireweeker to the wohld bludyn world. O rally, O rally, O | 3 | |
rally! Phlenxty, O rally! To what lifelike thyne of the bird can | 4 | |
be. Seek you somany matters. Haze sea east to Osseania. Here! | 5 | |
Here! Tass, Patt, Staff, Woff, Havv, Bluvv and Rutter. The smog | 6 | |
is lofting. And already the olduman's olduman has godden up on | 7 | |
othertimes to litanate the bonnamours. Sonne feine, somme | 8 | |
feehn avaunt! Guld modning, have yous viewsed Piers' aube? | 9 | |
Thane yaars agon we have used yoors up since when we have | 10 | |
fused now orther. Calling all daynes. Calling all daynes to dawn. | 11 | |
The old breeding bradsted culminwillth of natures to Foyn Mac- | 12 | |
Hooligan. The leader, the leader! Securest jubilends albas Te- | 13 | |
moram. Clogan slogan. Quake up, dim dusky, wook doom for | 14 | |
husky! And let Billey Feghin be baallad out of his humuluation. | 15 | |
Confindention to churchen. We have highest gratifications in | 16 | |
announcing to pewtewr publikumst of pratician pratyusers, gen- | 17 | |
ghis is ghoon for you. | 18 | |
A hand from the cloud emerges, holding a chart expanded. | 19 | |
The eversower of the seeds of light to the cowld owld sowls | 20 | |
that are in the domnatory of Defmut after the night of the carry- | 21 | |
ing of the word of Nuahs and the night of making Mehs to cuddle | 22 | |
up in a coddlepot, Pu Nuseht, lord of risings in the yonderworld | 23 | |
of Ntamplin, tohp triumphant, speaketh. | 24 |
FW B4 C1 623-628
FW B4 C1 613-622
FW B4 C1 593-602
Text FW 620
620 | ||
umbr. And stand up tall! Straight. I want to see you looking fine | 1 | |
for me. With your brandnew big green belt and all. Blooming in | 2 | |
the very lotust and second to nill, Budd! When you're in the | 3 | |
buckly shuit Rosensharonals near did for you. Fiftyseven and | 4 | |
three, cosh, with the bulge. Proudpurse Alby with his pooraroon | 5 | |
Eireen, they'll. Pride, comfytousness, enevy! You make me think | 6 | |
of a wonderdecker I once. Or somebalt thet sailder, the man me- | 7 | |
gallant, with the bangled ears. Or an earl was he, at Lucan? Or, | 8 | |
no, it's the Iren duke's I mean. Or somebrey erse from the Dark | 9 | |
Countries. Come and let us! We always said we'd. And go abroad. | 10 | |
Rathgreany way perhaps. The childher are still fast. There is no | 11 | |
school today. Them boys is so contrairy. The Head does be | 12 | |
worrying himself. Heel trouble and heal travel. Galliver and | 13 | |
Gellover. Unless they changes by mistake. I seen the likes in | 14 | |
the twinngling of an aye. Som. So oft. Sim. Time after time. | 15 | |
The sehm asnuh. Two bredder as doffered as nors in soun. When | 16 | |
one of him sighs or one of him cries 'tis you all over. No peace | 17 | |
at all. Maybe it's those two old crony aunts held them out to the | 18 | |
water front. Queer Mrs Quickenough and odd Miss Dodd- | 19 | |
pebble. And when them two has had a good few there isn't much | 20 | |
more dirty clothes to publish. From the Laundersdale Minssions. | 21 | |
One chap googling the holyboy's thingabib and this lad wetting | 22 | |
his widdle. You were pleased as Punch, recitating war exploits | 23 | |
and pearse orations to them jackeen gapers. But that night after, | 24 | |
all you were wanton! Bidding me do this and that and the other. | 25 | |
And blowing off to me, hugly Judsys, what wouldn't you give | 26 | |
to have a girl! Your wish was mewill. And, lo, out of a sky! The | 27 | |
way I too. But her, you wait. Eager to choose is left to her shade. | 28 | |
If she had only more matcher's wit. Findlings makes runaways, | 29 | |
runaways a stray. She's as merry as the gricks still. 'Twould be | 30 | |
sore should ledden sorrow. I'll wait. And I'll wait. And then if | 31 | |
all goes. What will be is. Is is. But let them. Slops hospodch and | 32 | |
the slusky slut too. He's for thee what she's for me. Dogging you | 33 | |
round cove and haven and teaching me the perts of speech. If you | 34 | |
spun your yarns to him on the swishbarque waves I was spelling | 35 | |
my yearns to her over cottage cake. We'll not disturb their sleep- | 36 |