worn. Soe? La! Lamfadar's arm it has cocoincidences. You mean | | 1 |
to see we have been hadding a sound night's sleep? You may so. | | 2 |
It is just, it is just about to, it is just about to rolywholyover. | | 3 |
Svapnasvap. Of all the stranger things that ever not even in the | | 4 |
hundrund and badst pageans of unthowsent and wonst nice or | | 5 |
in eddas and oddes bokes of tomb, dyke and hollow to be have | | 6 |
happened! The untireties of livesliving being the one substrance | | 7 |
of a streamsbecoming. Totalled in toldteld and teldtold in tittle- | | 8 |
tell tattle. Why? Because, graced be Gad and all giddy gadgets, | | 9 |
in whose words were the beginnings, there are two signs to turn | | 10 |
to, the yest and the ist, the wright side and the wronged side, | | 11 |
feeling aslip and wauking up, so an, so farth. Why? On the sourd- | | 12 |
site we have the Moskiosk Djinpalast with its twin adjacencies, | | 13 |
the bathouse and the bazaar, allahallahallah, and on the sponthe- | | 14 |
site it is the alcovan and the rosegarden, boony noughty, all pura- | | 15 |
puthry. Why? One's apurr apuss a story about brid and break- | | 16 |
fedes and parricombating and coushcouch but others is of tholes | | 17 |
and oubworn buyings, dolings and chafferings in heat, contest | | 18 |
and enmity. Why? Every talk has his stay, vidnis Shavarsanjivana, | | 19 |
and all-a-dreams perhapsing under lucksloop at last are through. | | 20 |
Why? It is a sot of a swigswag, systomy dystomy, which evera- | | 21 |
body you ever anywhere at all doze. Why? Such me. | | 22 |
And howpsadrowsay. | | 23 |
Lok! A shaft of shivery in the act, anilancinant. Cold's sleuth! | | 24 |
Vayuns! Where did thots come from? It is infinitesimally fevers, | | 25 |
resty fever, risy fever, a coranto of aria, sleeper awakening, in | | 26 |
the smalls of one's back presentiment, gip, and again, geip, a | | 27 |
flash from a future of maybe mahamayability through the windr | | 28 |
of a wondr in a wildr is a weltr as a wirbl of a warbl is a world. | | 29 |
Tom. | | 30 |
It is perfect degrees excelsius. A jaladaew still stilleth. Cloud | | 31 |
lay but mackrel are. Anemone activescent, the torporature is re- | | 32 |
turning to mornal. Humid nature is feeling itself freely at ease | | 33 |
with the all fresco. The vervain is to herald as the grass admini- | | 34 |
sters. They say, they say in effect, they really say. You have eaden | | 35 |
fruit. Say whuit. You have snakked mid a fish. Telle whish. | | 36 |