Text FW 598

Every those personal place objects if nonthings where soevers1
and they just done been doing being in a dromo of todos with-2
outen a bound to be your trowers. Forswundled. You hald him3
by the tap of the tang. Not a salutary sellable sound is since. In-4
steed for asteer, adrift with adraft. Nuctumbulumbumus wander-5
wards the Nil. Victorias neanzas. Alberths neantas. It was a long,6
very long, a dark, very dark, an allburt unend, scarce endurable,7
and we could add mostly quite various and somenwhat stumble-8
tumbling night. Endee he sendee. Diu! The has goning at gone,9
the is coming to come. Greets to ghastern, hie to morgning. Dor-10
midy, destady. Doom is the faste. Well down, good other! Now11
day, slow day, from delicate to divine, divases. Padma, brighter12
and sweetster, this flower that bells, it is our hour or risings.13
Tickle, tickle. Lotus spray. Till herenext. Adya.14
     Take thanks, thankstum, thamas. In that earopean end meets 15
     There is something supernoctural about whatever you called 17
him it. Panpan and vinvin are not alonety vanvan and pinpin in18
your Tamal without tares but simplysoley they are they. This-19
utter followis that odder fellow. Himkim kimkim. Old yeaster-20
loaves may be a stale as a stub and the pitcher go to aftoms on the21
wall. Mildew, murk, leak and yarn now want the bad that they22
lied on. And your last words todate in camparative accousto-23
mology are going to tell stretch of a fancy through strength to-24
wards joyance, adyatants, where he gets up. Allay for allay, a25
threat for a throat.26
     Tim! 27
     To them in Ysat Loka. Hearing. The urb it orbs. Then's now 28
with now's then in tense continuant. Heard. Who having has29
he shall have had. Hear! Upon the thuds trokes truck, chim,30
it will be exactlyso fewer hours by so many minutes of the31
ope of the diurn of the sennight of the maaned of the yere of32
the age of the madamanvantora of Grossguy and Littleylady,33
our hugibus hugibum and our weewee mother, actaman house-34
truewith, and their childer and their napirs and their napirs'35
childers napirs and their chattels and their servance and their36

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