there is a good in even, Levia, my cheek is a compleet bleenk. | | 1 |
Plumb. Meaning: one two four. Finckers. Up the hind hose of | | 2 |
hizzars. Whereapon our best again to a hundred and eleven ploose | | 3 |
one thousand and one other blessings will now concloose thoose | | 4 |
epoostles to your great kindest, well, for all at trouble to took. | | 5 |
We are all at home in old Fintona, thank Danis, for ourselfsake, | | 6 |
that direst of housebonds, whool wheel be true unto lovesend | | 7 |
so long as we has a pockle full of brass. Impossible to remember | | 8 |
persons in improbable to forget position places. Who would | | 9 |
pellow his head off to conjure up a, well, particularly mean stinker | | 10 |
like funn make called Foon MacCrawl brothers, mystery man of | | 11 |
the pork martyrs? Force in giddersh! Tomothy and Lorcan, the | | 12 |
bucket Toolers, both are Timsons now they've changed their | | 13 |
characticuls during their blackout. Conan Boyles will pudge the | | 14 |
daylives out through him, if they are correctly informed. Music, me | | 15 |
ouldstrow, please! We'll have a brand rehearsal. Fing! One must | | 16 |
simply laugh. Fing him aging! Good licks! Well, this ought to weke | | 17 |
him to make up. He'll want all his fury gutmurdherers to redress | | 18 |
him. Gilly in the gap. The big bad old sprowly all uttering foon! | | 19 |
Has now stuffed last podding. His fooneral will sneak pleace by | | 20 |
creeps o'clock toosday. Kingen will commen. Allso brewbeer. | | 21 |
Pens picture at Manchem House Horsegardens shown in Morn- | | 22 |
ing post as from Boston transcripped. Femelles will be preadam- | | 23 |
inant as from twentyeight to twelve. To hear that lovelade | | 24 |
parson, of case, of a bawl gentlemale, pour forther moracles. Don't | | 25 |
forget! The grand fooneral will now shortly occur. Remember. | | 26 |
The remains must be removed before eaght hours shorp. With | | 27 |
earnestly conceived hopes. So help us to witness to this day to | | 28 |
hand in sleep. From of Mayasdaysed most duteoused. | | 29 |
Well, here's lettering you erronymously anent other clerical | | 30 |
fands allieged herewith. I wisht I wast be that dumb tyke and he'd | | 31 |
wish it was me yonther heel. How about it? The sweetest song | | 32 |
in the world! Our shape as a juvenile being much admired from | | 33 |
the first with native copper locks. Referring to the Married | | 34 |
Woman's Improperty Act a correspondent paints out that the | | 35 |
Swees Aubumn vogue is hanging down straith fitting to her | | 36 |